Hello again, I am new to this forum. I think I have learned enough over the past few years to start building a portfolio with some quality models, so I thought it would be a good to start on a G63C, mainly because my brother has an airsoft version. I would post my progress along the way. I want this to be a game ready model when it's finished.
Any feedback on this would be great, there are still a lot of things I could learn and improve upon.
I just finished up with the high poly model, here it is:

quoting from racer445:
Aside from that, how do you plan on doing that interior section at the front for low poly? Capping it off from the inside and texturing the entire thing black?
I wanted to be able to make more attachments for this gun and possibly make it into a K or MG model, so I wanted the sight, front piece, grip, stock, and meg well, to be independent so I can swap them out. So for the front piece, I think i'll still make it hollow and just give the inside a vary small portion of the UV's.
Just a bit over 10,000 tris.
The UVs are split into two maps, right now 4096 x 4096 and 4096 x 2048.
Please tell me what you think.
A few edges are aliasing from far distance renders, like the trigger guard, magazine edges, top of the fire control group, and bottom mounted rails.
These are overall minor details and small artifacts, so I don't know if it's worth the time to give them better smoothing.
The minor inaccuracies don't matter, except for your edging.
The control edges on your HP are too tight (narrow).
I don't mean just for baking, I mean period. The edges on the actual gun are a lot softer (would be wider spaced in 3d) in most places than your HP has them. Even most of the edges that look tight on the actual gun, are chisel beveled, so they don't read that tight.
With 2 4k maps and 10k tris, you should be able to get everything to read clearly and have 0 noticeable difference between the HP and the LP. That gun should easily sit on 1 2048*1024 map and have plenty of room for detail, even doing 100% unique unwrap.
All in all, its not a terrible thing, even having lp'd and baked.
You just need to go back, take a day, and redo your edges on your HP. It seems like a lot of work, but really its not. Or at least it shouldn't be in most cases.
Really didn't mean to sound like a dick about it all, so apologies if it came off that way.
The 4K was only for work flow, I was planing on having it be 1K x 1K and 1K x 512 when finished.
Some of the edges are that sharpe on the real deal (I was basing most of the model off my brothers airsoft gun) but I know I made them way too tite for the normal map. also I've spent way too much time on this, it's only a gun to practice on so I'm not going back and fixing everything, just what won't take too long.
And thanks for all the comments everyone.
UV's are packs well.
Assuming that this would be a game prop (based on the Tris count) You shouldn't need any more then 1, 2048 Map to get all the details you need since it doesn't have any attachments. Also you could consider mirrors some of your UV's that will have the same texture detail. No point having everything separate if there's no special details on 1 side that you don't want on the other.
Please criticize on this, I think I need it more so than the modeling.
Also, can you guys point me to some good, free, rendering software or tool bag.
How are you adding noise, using photoshop noise or photosourced noise? Might help to pull some noise patterns for overlaying in your spec map from photographs of hard plastic if you haven't already.
For rendering if you can't buy toolbag or use the trial then put it in a game engine like Cryengine or UDK.
Right now, texture looks great, but are you planning on personalising it (stickers, etchings)? Oh, and the magazine's supposed to be slightly translucent.
I was going to make he meg transparent but Xoliul shader doesn't support it.