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Sofa & Rembrandt

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Bigglesworth greentooth
Hello guys!
This is my first thread and second mini-scene (First one is here)
I decided to make some high-detailed props for my portfolio, and here it is. There wasn't any sketch or plan in the beginning. I think that's why my scene hasn't good composition. It looks like a props collection near the wall.
Wall texture made in ZBrush, tiled in Photoshop. Sofa - 3Ds Max and ZBrush. Frames and phonograph - 3Ds max only. Rendered in Marmoset.

PS: Thanks Rembrandt for great textures of paintings :)
PPS: Sorry, my English is bad, I know that) But I’m trying, really.


  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    Looks good to me :)
  • Adij
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    Adij polycounter lvl 8
    1) Awesome models
    2) Scene look flat => add more then one light source and dont use pure white.
  • Bigglesworth
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    Bigglesworth greentooth
    Adij wrote: »
    add more then one light source and dont use pure white.

    Thanks Serriffe and Adij!
    Unfortunately this is the best lighting I could achieve for now.
    For example, here is a screenshot from CE3. There are two lights on left and right sides. One of them yellow, another one is blue. And also I have an environment probe in the scene. I played about 2 hours with lighting, and I decided to stop on this marmoset variant.
  • KristaW
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    KristaW polycounter lvl 9
    Can you do a screen space ao? I think would help to show this off. Nice couch!
  • Bigglesworth
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    Bigglesworth greentooth
    KristaW, SSAO is already on.
    On this screen I increased value from 1 to 3. It looks bad for me. SSAO settings in Marmoset is very poor. It contains only one tweak - Strength. No radius, no resolution etc..
    Another trouble - SSAO behavior depends on FOV. The less FOV - more glitches with SSAO.
  • KristaW
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    KristaW polycounter lvl 9
    Oh! My bad, it was so subtle. I don't know enough about marmosets ssao to comment on what is happening with the camera perspective although it does seem odd and not an ideal ao.
  • Kyuzo
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    Kyuzo polycounter lvl 12
    Oh, nice, how did you these details? Zbrush or Maya/Max? all sculpted or all is separate pieces? I mean that trim along the bottom of the sofa, handles and so on. It would be really nice to see some progress shots. Thank you.

    Детализация правда круто смотрится :)
  • Bigglesworth
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    Bigglesworth greentooth
    Kyuzo, wooden parts in 3Ds Max. Leather parts in ZBrush. Every part is separated.

    Super ultimate lesson:

    Right now I have no time to write normal progress shots. Sorry:)
  • Kyuzo
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    Kyuzo polycounter lvl 12
    Haha, "draw an ellipse, now draw the rest of the owl" :D
    Actually this is more than i need

    Thank you

    btw, with new ZRemesher i think it's possible to do entire thing in ZBrush, i did some really nice detailing work with it, but not with such complex shapes, have to test it out. But probably it will be possible only to block out main shapes and then tweak them in any software with poly modeling tools. Wish ZBrush to have "cut faces" and "weld points" tools ))
  • Bigglesworth
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    Bigglesworth greentooth
    Kyuzo wrote: »
    btw, with new ZRemesher i think it's possible to do entire thing in ZBrush

    In the beginning I tried to sculpt wooden parts in ZBrush, but result was really bad. I don’t know how to achieve clear and straight lines while sculpting. (And I don’t have tablet). The result was similar to your “Drake Shield”, but worse.
  • Kyuzo
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    Kyuzo polycounter lvl 12
    In the beginning I tried to sculpt wooden parts in ZBrush, but result was really bad. I don’t know how to achieve clear and straight lines while sculpting. (And I don’t have tablet). The result was similar to your “Drake Shield”, but worse.

    Oh, its a pain to work in ZBrush without a tablet. I'd suggest you to get one, it will help a lot.

    Shield had not that much really precise details, but looking back, maybe i had to do ZRemesh pass to get really low-res mesh, mesh should look much cleaner when made from solid base.

    I did same kind of details you made on sofa(they were less detailed), and i did it in Maya, to get really clean shapes, but i'm looking for ways to improve my workflow, and direct poly modeling from scratch isn't the fastest one.

    I think if i will do such details now, i'll get a plane-> subdivide it couple times-> mask out my trim silhouete->create polygroup-> delete subdiv-> hide all but my trim-> delete hidden->Panel Loops(with "double" off)-> ZRemesh it-> Turn off "adaptive" turn on "half", or maybe keep adaptive on and Zremesh untill i'll get a good base mesh, then just export it to maya and tweak there.

    it can look like long way, but in practice it can be really fast, but yep, have to try it different ways.
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