So I am working on doing some animations for my Dreadnought but first I would like to get these tubes/pipes sorted. I basically want it so the things in red move around with some sort of physics (maybe some thing like rope physics) I have absolutely no knowledge on how to do this so I am sorry if I sound a bit silly, I am using 3ds Max 2014 any help with this topic would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.

keyframe animation? Im a maya user, but i would use soft select
/KEYFRAME/......./SOFTSELECT/......../MOVE verts/........./KEYFRAME/...........repeat
use that to add the movement.
I would assume you could use the nCloth settings from maya which would make it dynamic, but without some kind of wind system it still wouldn't move (I am no where near an expert, And far from experienced in max but i hope it helps!)
I once tried this before with a character i made where the character had a compressor on his backpack and a nail gun in his hand. It was a nightmare linking everything together and having the tube move when the hand moved