Hey! I started on a new project after I finished my last vehicle. Having made two planes/flightcrafts recently I wanted to model something else so I started chipping away at an old locomotive. Here's how that looks at the moment:

I'm basing the design mostly off of
this photograph. Not sure what this specific model is called so if anyone knows I'd really appreciate it.
I'm not sure how well the proportions match the reference as I think I've stared myself blind on it for too long. So some critique on the proportions would be great.
I've obviously got a bunch more work to do but what's most acute is detailing the cabin and making more machine parts for the bottom of the whole machine. The streaks on the cabin roof is just artifacts from the post processing from when I played around with Blenders compositing nodes, it will be smoothed out.
Might also be worth mentioning that the characters aren't mine. I just downloaded a base-mesh from the wiki. I'll take them out and/or model some of my own for the final render.
Comments and critique are as always more than welcome.
Other than that, nice job so far. Keep it up
Here's what it looks like now: