I am working on my first level, and don't know which way to go with the next step. The level consists of a one room apartment with a balcony. My goal for this project is to try to achieve the feeling of being inside an endless world, while confining the space where the player can actually move to a relatively small area.
I would like the balcony to be overlooking a panorama. Here is the reference photo I found that I want to follow.

I am not sure what the best approach for this is. I prefer to use a mesh for the water so I can have it look like it is moving. And then work the background and sky in. If possible, I would like to get a small parallax effect to give the user a sense of depth. Here are a few ways I am considering doing this:
1. Meshes for everything except the sky, polypaint the main mountains in zBrush bake it down to my low poly mesh, eyeball it as best as I can and try to get a similar skybox.
2. Meshes just for the vegetation leading up to the water. Billboard images for the mountains with alpha maps, and try to get a similar skybox.
3. Meshes just for the vegetation leading up to the water. No Billboards, just work everything else into my skybox.
4. Some better solution that I didn't think of?
Any advice on this problem would be greatly appreciated.