I've been having this problem since I started using CryEngine, and before anyone asks I have tried resetting the Xforms on all the objects individually within the scene with no luck

The problem as highlighted is that I want to export multiple geometries from 3DS max into CryEngine while still maintaining their positions.
The original Mesh:

When I export, I don't export the files as individual nodes as I want it to import as a block, but I would like to refrain from converting the sub objects into a single one, this is because it makes it difficult to edit at a later point.
Everything from export seems correct:

But as soon as I look within CryEngine, this mess appears.

As you can see the proxy is perfectly intact as it's one object, and that's where the rest of the meshes are supposed to be, but as you can see they are not.
Can anyone help me with this, because all I've found documentation and video wise to do with this issue is the reset Xforms fix.
I would also try resetting Xforms but you said you've already tried that..
Also, like it was mentioned above, make sure your pivots for both your proxy and rendermesh are lined up the same.
You can also just attach your proxy to your rendermesh as opposed to linking them under a dummy node.
I have a feeling it might be CryExporter not working well with Max 2014 (damn university), so I'm switching back to ol' 2011 to see if I can get it all working again, I'm sure I never used to have this issue.
But in case it's not, I'm hoping there is someone who can explain why only a proxy is offset?
Resetting xforms,
Tried resetting pivots on both meshes and centering pivots respectively,
Having the proxy attached or detached,
Linking meshes to a dummy object and exporting that,
Deleting the proxy all together, re-cloning and applying material ID for proxy,
Reloading Geometry in CryEngine,
Restarting CryEngine (Although I think this had fixed it once),
I tried Zepic's answer too,
The problem happens even when the mesh is as simple as a cube, the proxy seems to cover only about a 1/4 of the render mesh or so due to it being offset.
Any other ideas?
Yeah max 2011 seems to work fine with CryEngine, maybe 2014 exporter is bugged or maybe my exporter is outdated etc. I know I've had the same issue with 2011 before but the solutions posted above seem to work.