at the moment I work on my first bigger game asset which I can design from the scratch.
The task is to create a building for a FPS in the C&C (1) Universe/Style. The building itself should be used as a armoury/tech building which can be conquered and provides the conquering faction with new weapon and/or tech options.
Players also should be able to enter the building to fight inside and outside of it.
My basic idea is some sort of fortified building, similar to a military shelter.
I did a few sketches and a first block out, to get a feeling of it from the FPS perspective.
Here are the blockouts, feedback, critcs etc. are welcome (at the moment it's more about the general shape then the art itself).

General roundup of the building:
It has four entry points, main gate, ventilation shaft, loading hatch and rear entry. The loading hatch is only a entry, so you will not be able to leave the building by it (you have to jump down).
These hatches are ment for air transports, to allow direct drops of supplies into the building itself (will not happen in game, only story^^)
The tower will host a automatic AA-Turret, which, due to the elevated position will not be able to shoot at infantry and ground vehicles. Players should be able to take controll of the turret from inside the tower.
The "tube" on the side should contain a generator to provide independent power supply for the building.
Any Feedback on the concept, basic design?
- changed the tower
- added more details
- added interior
- even more details
- general material IDs assigned
Exterior model withour Material IDs
(The fence/barrickade will be removed ingame)
The interior (with ddo material IDs):
Feedback, comments & critics welcome