I'm using Topogun 2, BTW.
Sry, yet another thread of this issue around here.
I have studied it, but still not getting it right. It kind of works with other parts of the body, except the face.
Would love to know how to fix the issues.
There's a line across her upper lip. And there're also some shades of lines above and around her nose.

Here are the rest of the body. Not the best around, but my best one so far.

watch this video:
then this one:
I watched the 2 videos, and others more. Not making much sense to me, sadly. I read better than I listen.
What I got was... Use some hard edge or split the UV sometimes, or add more poly to support the mesh. But even if I smooth the low res for loads more poly, the same issue still happens.
Same result from XNormal.
Is it my Low Poly Mesh that isn't good ?
Normal map produces lines where topology/edge flows run.
SOLVED: It's Maya.
It renders fine and clean in Marmoset.