I'm currently developing an open world, action/adventure/puzzle game with an emphasis on physics and player-choice.

The game world will be comprised *of islands of all different sizes, and environments. In a similar way as wind waker, you journey out into the world using your ship as your main means of travel.

You play as a young viking boy named Tryim, who village is in turmoil sense the all men left 4 years ago on a expedition and have yet to return. After all these years of wondering, Tyrim finally sets out on a adventure of his own to discover what could have possibly happen.

Were are currently keeping everyone updated through both our tumblr page and facebook. So feel free to check those out -
The game is greatly inspired by the viking area, We we try to keep everything within the similar architecture as they used in those days.

I'm very open to feedback. I have a YouTube channel where we upload almost any progress we make, and encourage people to give ideas that might help me improve what I have.
I'll gladly respond to any questions, concerns or new ideas!
I know the visuals need a shit ton of polish but big props to ya for actually making a zelda type action rpg; I always hear alot of talk from everyone about how "nintendo's killed the genre and if they made a zelda type rpg, they'd blah blah blah and it would be better than anything ever blah blah" but its always just talk, your out there and actually doing it so good on you :thumbup:
So keep it up
The gameplay looks like a lot of fun, with all the puzzle elements and so on!
But I think the texture work could really be improved a lot, also could the animations, they feel kinda unbalanced and unfinished.
The music seems sweet to me! Is that from the gamesoundtrack already?
Maybe show of some more screenshots and texture flats and so on, get some paintovers/tips/ideas from the community to improve the art of your game, and for the animations... I dunno, maybe some animators around here will give you critique onto that theme... (since I'm no animator)
I think this could be a really sweet game if you keep on working!
For the textures:
Right now they feel like color block-ins or something like that, just not finished, theres barely light or shadow information and I think they are missing details.
Also I think that that clouds (those while he's running) could use some variation. It's always just the same one cloud, maybe do some variations and I think I remember that in wind waker they also vary in size.