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polycounter lvl 7
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Rockstar North polycounter lvl 7
Rockstar North is seeking experienced, talented physics programmers to join our team to work across the development of low level physics systems and to innovate on physics in game. This is an exciting opportunity to develop cutting-edge physics and collision systems and use them in creative and novel ways. We want to hear from candidates who can iterate toward the perfect blend of realism and fun in how games feel to play and from candidates with a proven track record in robust, fast physics engine development.

You will be working with other departments such as Animation & AI, to solve complex physics problems - so as well as possessing the math skills you will be able to communicate with clarity and confidence as part of a creative team.

  • 3+ years physics programming experience
  • Fluency in C/C++, Assembly, and SIMD programming
  • Prior experience driving and developing a physics engine for shipped game titles on current generation consoles.
  • Experience of low level optimisations and fixing stability issues.
  • Familiarity with existing physics packages
  • Physics/mathematics/computer science degree
  • Outstanding math skills (linear algebra, trigonometry, matrix/quaternion math)
  • Strong multi-threaded programming skills
  • Self-motivation
Additional Information

Please provide a code sample along with your application.

Please apply online at www.rockstarnorth.com/jobs
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