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3DS max Lofting issue,

polycounter lvl 13
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GIS3000 polycounter lvl 13
Hi there.

I have a single shape consisting of multiple splines. Is there a way to get a circle shape to use these lines as a path? I can't seem to select these lines as path in the loft options.

I can only do so if I detach the lines and loft them individually. This is really tedious.

Any ideas?



  • Neox
    Online / Send Message
    Neox godlike master sticky
    so you just want wires/pipes? nothing more fancy just some bent tubes?

    turn on rendering in viewport and renderer on the shape splines, convert to editable poly if you want expor them.
  • GIS3000
    Offline / Send Message
    GIS3000 polycounter lvl 13
    That's an idea! Thanks! I'll test that out ASAP!

    However, regarding that lofting issue, any ideas? Or is that a limitation of the "Loft" function?

  • Neox
    Online / Send Message
    Neox godlike master sticky
    yeah it lofts from start to end and you can change that shape within the loft, from circle to square how will it decide where to start or where to end? unless everything should be handled the same, but i fear it's just not made for that as it's like 100 years old and not touched since that time.
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