Hey, so I am working on a hallway based on this concept:

and this is where I am out so far on the blockout (still in Max)

NORMALLY i wouldn't bother showing it at such an early stage since there probs. isnt much to crit, however I'm throwing this up here cause I'm confused as how to interpret a bunch of parts of the concept and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. I have highlighted the bits im referring to in the below image:

Firstly the panels that span the right side. The part highlighted in white - I'm not sure what the hell the assembly behind the pipes is supposed to be. It looks like a series of vertical bars with some horizontal bars behind it? Obviously that's kind of a stupid thing to model, so if anyone has suggestions on what that could be (like if it's some commonly encountered thing that I just haven't seen before) thatd be great.
Also I can't tell what the trapezoid looking area above that is supposed to be. It looks like a bunch of horizontal pipes in some sort of recess, but the yellow band with the squares on it is confusing me. Is it a structural element or should I just have it be painted on?
The part highlighted in in blue, I can't tell if it's supposed to be damage or the pipes just terminate and there's a bunch of crap behind it. i guess that one's not so much of a big deal since as you can see i've already taken some liberties with the concept so I may just leave it out.
The red part is what I'm stuck on now, anyone have any suggestions as how to read all the crap to the left of the door? It looks like a bunch of random lights and cables, but I'm wondering if it can be given more form than that/how to build something there that looks believable.
It occurs to me now that I should have just gone with a cleaner concept, but this is my third time starting over an enviroment and my portfolio is way overdue and I just wanna get this done.
Also, does anyone have suggestions on how I might distribute the uv/texture sheets for this enviroment? How many individual texture sheets would y'all break this up into?