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[3dsMax script] miauu's Script Pack vol.2

polycounter lvl 14
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miauu polycounter lvl 14
miauu's Script Pack vol.2 is a set of scripts that will help you to make faster and easier some of the tedious task when you use 3ds Max.
miauu's Script Pack vol.2 include:

Attach and Link: Automates the process of linking objects to the surface of other objects.
- attach point helpers or any objects in the scene to selected faces or vertices of other objects.
- pick the point where to attach selected objects, using SNAP
- choose to lock the position and/or rotatio n of attached objects to the position/rotation of the surface, where they are attached.
- attach multiple objects at once
- link multiple objects at once
- can link/attach any objects type to the Editable Poly, Editable Mesh, Lines, Editable Splines and Edit Poly modifier objects

Align Verts to Vert: Align selected vertices to the X, Y, Z, XY, YZ or XYZ position of the last selected vertex(used as reference point).
Supported objects are Editable Poly, Editable Mesh, Lines, Editable Splines and Edit Poly modifier.
Script idea - Pedro Amorim.
Easy Peel will help you with UV-mapping your geometry easier and faster.
It works directly with Edhtable Poly objects, allowing you to get full advantage of its many geometry selection features.
- works only with single Editable Poly object.
- unwrap to arbitrary map channel.
- hotkeys to quiclky mark, unmark and select edges. Unwrap with Pack On and unwrap with Pack Off.
- can extract the UVs from objects, that are not unwrapped with Easy Peel
- can performs Auto Relax of unwraped UVs
Script idea - Hristo Dinev.

Extrude along path: Extrude selected object's polygons set along selected edges or spline path.
- can extrude a sets of polygons. They can have holes. branches. etc.
- the edge/spline path can be open or closed loop.
- when extruding along edges can process more than one object. The count of edge paths must be equal or grater the count of the objects that will be extruded.
- the object that will be extruded must be Editable Poly objects
- the objects, which edges can bee used as paths can be Editable Poly, or Edit Poly modifier.

Open edges extrude: Extrude border edges using the numeric values for the extrude distance in a way that you can't do by default in 3ds Max.
You can rotate the extruded edges at arbitrary angle.
You can scale the extruded edges.

Support Editable Poly objects and Edit Poly modifier.

You can extrude edges along an arbitrary spline. This feature works with Editable Poly objects only.

Quad cap holes: Quad cap even sided holes.
Script idea - Zarko Bojkovski.


Round'Em: Adjust each set of selected closed edge loops or polygons(which outlines forms closed edge loop) into the form of circle.
- can change the raduis of created circle
- can preserve the curvature of the object(as much as possible). - support Editable Poly, Editable Mesh, Spline objects, Edit Poly and UnwrapUVW modifier.

Smart Spline Extrude: With Smart Spline Extrude you can:
- "fix" splines, created in other 3D-CAD programs and imported in 3DS Max, so you can use them for lofting, or extrude them without problems.
- extrude in arbitrary direction/angle
Script idea - Wilbert Blom.


Smart Spline Extrude Closed Splines: Extrude closed splines in direction that match the normal of the face, that the closed. spline forms.
Script Idea: Stefan Rienth

Smart Sub-Object Selection: With Smart sub-object selection you can select whole or partial verts/edges/polys loop or ring.
- Works with Editable Poly objects, Edit Poly and Unwrap_UVW modifier.
- For Line and Editable Spline objects only Partial Loop works. The vertices or segments, between the selected will be added to selection.
- Using the Shft key the Dot Loop and Dot Ring can be selected.
- Using the Ctrl key you can expand the selected edges to nearest already selected edges.


Vert Stitcher
: Align one selection of vertices to other selection of vertices in few easy steps.
- automates the tedious proces of moving vertices one by one
- creates seamless match between the selected vertices
- works with soft selection
- can stitch verts using closest vert or using verts order
- can weld vertices found in the set threshold
- support Editable Poly objects and Edit Poly modifier.


Drop On: Project all or selected vertices of one object onto another object or selection of objects.
The object, whose vertices will be projected must be an Editable Poly, Editable Spline and Line or any object with Edit Poly modifier on top of its modifier stack.
Works with soft selection.
The vertices can be projected along:
- World X, Y or Z axis
- object's local X, Y or Z axis
- vertex normal of each vert
- current viewport direction(for perspective viewport only)
- custom direction - pick two points to draw the direction of projection
- can use the selected edge or edges as direction of projection - idea Pedro Amorim.
- can project the selected vertices onto the same object.
Script Idea - Harold Rinck


Edge Straighten: Allows you to straighten the selected edges using the constraint to edges. No branches or closed edge loops are allowed. Edge Constraint is used by default. All vertices of the selected edges will be moved using the Edge Constraint.
Works with Editable Poly objects and Edit Poly modifier.

Script Idea - Pawel Lazarow

Allows you to perform Inset command for arbitrary sides of the selected faces.
- Only Editable Poly object is supported.
- two modes of Inset - default for 3ds Max Inset and Inset with Edge Constraint.
- build quads when Inset with Edge Constraint is used.
Scrpt idea - algosuk

Align Working Pivot makes using the Working Pivot fast and easy.
With a single click you can align the Working Pivot to the selected sub-objects or to two points selected by using the Snap to Vertex.
Align Working Pivot to Sub-object Selection
- when three vertices are selected the X or Z axis is perpendicular to the plane that these verts forms.
- when one edge is selected the X axis is aligned to the edge
- when two edges are selected the X or Z axis is perpendicular to the plane that these edges forms.
- when one polygon is selected the Z or X axis match the normal of the polygon. The X or Z axis is aligned to the longest edge of this polygon.
Align Working Pivot to Two Points
- pick two points using the Vertex SNAP. The X axis of working pivot will be aligned to the vector between the two pivots.
Script idea - Pedro Amorim

Snaps Tool extends the usability of Standard Snaps.
It allows you to turn Off multiple active snaps and to turn On only one snap with single mouse click,
Just watch the video.


Allows you to save currently selected verts, edges or polygons and to select them later. Its big advantage against the default Named Selection Sets and Stored Selections - when it saves the sub objects selection it really saved it. The script supports Editable Poly objects and Edit Poly modifier.
Saved sub-objects selections are per objects. They are not break when you add new verts, edges, faces, (do tessalate, bridge, inset, extrude, bevel, inset, outline etc.).

Copy Edge allows you to create a copy of the selected edge(s) and to place it at arbitrary distance away from the selected edge.
The script supports Editable Poly objects and Edit Poly modifier.

Edges Extrude Plus allows you to extrude edges in a way that is not possible with the default Extrude tool. You can extrude using Equal Sides or Parallel methods. Watch the video to see what both methods can do.
 Script Idea: Evgeniy Ivanov

Easy Move allows you to move objects or sub-objects(vertices, edges, faces, polygons) at arbitrary direction at exact distance from the previous position of the objects. The sub-object movement supports Editable Poly and Editable Mesh objects and Edit Poly modifier.

Skip Every Nth allows you to select every N-th vert, edge, polygon by skipping the desired elements in between.
In Skip Ring mode you can skip vertices,edges and polygons.
In Skip Loop mode you can skip edges and polygons.
Works with Editable Poly objects.

You can use miauu's Script Pack vol.2 in 3ds max/3ds max Design 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. 2013, 2014

See all scripts in action.

This is a commersial script.
You can find more information here:


  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    got some cool ideas.
  • Mik2121
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    Mik2121 polycounter lvl 9
    Neat stuff.

    Also, you might want to use a different font on those headers... they're pretty hard to read.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    Mik2121 wrote: »
    Neat stuff.

    Also, you might want to use a different font on those headers... they're pretty hard to read.
    I read them easy, but I added the names of the scripts with more "normal" font. :)
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Will have to check out both the youtube videos and the contents of my wallet - miauu's stuff is always worth a euro or two in my experience :thumbup:

    (I do agree on the font, though)
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    cptSwing wrote: »
    Will have to check out both the youtube videos and the contents of my wallet - miauu's stuff is always worth a euro or two in my experience :thumbup:

    (I do agree on the font, though)
    Thanks for the nice words. :)
    Can you send me an image of my first post. I read the font easy, but maybe the problem is behind my PC.

    All letters are capital now. :)
  • mystichobo
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    mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
    These look great! Easy Peel especially (the unwrap UVW modifier is absolutely terrible for selecting edges). The Quad cap and rounding thing look great too!

    Bought a copy and will have a play around with them tomorrow!
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    Thank you.
    The next updates are:
    - max 9 support - next week
    - support for Edit Poly modifier for Easy Peel
    - BiRail Sweep(including 1rail loft, U loft, UV loft) that creates editable poly object from selected splines.
  • WarrenM
    The ability to just execute the "Round'Em" script without having the UI come up would be nice. I often just want to make something circular without the extra clicks.

    AWESOME script pack, btw. I use something of yours every single day. :)
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    WarrenM wrote: »
    The ability to just execute the "Round'Em" script without having the UI come up would be nice. I often just want to make something circular without the extra clicks.
    Thanks for the idea. I will add this in the next update
    WarrenM wrote: »
    AWESOME script pack, btw. I use something of yours every single day. :)
    Thank you. :)
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    Support for 3DS Max 9Sp2 and 2008 is added.

    Easy Peel will transfere the edges, marked as seams. The model will not be unwrapped.
  • erik!
    Cool! Does Align Verts to Verts work on an Edit Poly applied to multiple objects?
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack vol.2 is updatedo to version 1.1

    - Added new macro - Round'Em no UI - directly adjust selection into the form of circle. No UI will be shown
    - Easy Peel is updated to version 1.1. Support for Edit Poly modifier is added.

    @erik!, no. All scripts that supports Edit Poly modifier works on single object. But this is a good idea. I will try to implement it. Thank you.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack vol.2 is updated to version 1.2
    Now all script works with docked and undocked Command Panel.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack vol.2 is updatedo to version 1.4

    - Easy Peel is updated to version 1.2. Added support for Edit Poly modifier, applied to multiple objects. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbOTq_ZGOFs"]Watch demonstration video.[/ame]
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack vol.2 is updated to version 1.5

    - Quad Cap Holes is updated to versin 1.1.

    - new type of cap topology, that will follow the curvature of the hole.
    - autodetect corner edges on holes with circle shape.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWj_y7rS5vM"]miauu's Quad Cap Holes v. 1.1 - YouTube[/ame]

    - Smart Spline Extrude for Closed Splines - this script will change the pivot of selected closed splines, so the Z axis of the pivot will be perpendicular to the face, that the plane forms.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHgqfrRCedk"]miauu's Smart Spline Extrude Closed Splines - YouTube[/ame]
  • reiro
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    reiro polycounter lvl 10
    Awesome scripts. I just wished some of them would work without dialogues aswell, and just with one hotkey. The less clicks the better. Keep up the good work.
  • ZombieWells
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    ZombieWells polycounter lvl 12
    I would second that! I use a ton of your scripts, and have made them one click deals... most of the time I just want my tool to be used for one thing, if I want to tweak, (this only happens > 10% of the time) then I go into dialogues.... I try really hard to cut out as much digging, and clicking as possible in my workflow, ;) still, great scripts Miauu!!! keep them coming!
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    There is no problem to make some of the scripts to work without UI. Just tell me which ones you want to be "converted" and I will do it. :)
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14

    - Attach&Link:

    - Added support for Spline objects - Lines and Editable Splines.

    Point and Selected object: - can be attached to the snapped Knot using the Pick point using SNAP button.

    - can be Mass Attached to the selected knots.

    - When Rotation Alignment Type is OFF, the objects/points Z axis can be aligned to the snapped Edge normal.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSMQ0CNPDDg"]miauu's Attach and Link version 1.1 - YouTube[/ame]

    - Align Verts To Vert:

    - Added support for splines - Lines and Editable Splines. Idea

    - Can align knots to the last selected knot - idea Aleksandr Tolmachev

    - For Editable Spline,Editable Mesh and Spline objects - can use Snap to Vertex to allign the selected verts/knots to the picked vertex. To execute it hold down the Shift key and press the button on the UI.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucEeOCNSYG0"]miauu's Align Verts To Vert version 1.1 - YouTube[/ame]

    - Easy Peel:

    - Added hotkeys to quiclky mark, unmark and select edges. Unwrap with Pack On and unwrap with Pack Off.

    - Added options for Pack UVs

    - Can extract the UVs from objects, that are not unwrapped with Easy Peel.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deMre2nRFY8"]miauu's Easy Peel version 1.3 - YouTube[/ame]

    - Icons for all scripts are included.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack vol.2 is updated to version 1.7

    New script is added: Smart Sub-Object Selection. It includes
    Smart Loop Selection
    - Select whole or partial verts/edges/polys loop.
    - Partial loop selects all sub-objects inbetween,using the shortest distance.
    - Support Editable Poly object, Edit Poly modifier, Unwrap_UVW modifier.
    - For Line and Editable Spline objects only Partial Loop works. The vertices or segments, between the selected will be added to selection.
    - When Shift Key is pressed will performs Dot Loop. Selects loops with gaps. Select two edges or sets of two or more vertices or polygons in a row or column (to indicate the loop direction).
    The spacing will be calculated automatically.

    Smart Ring Selection
    - Select whole or partial verts/edges/polys ring.
    - Partial ring.selects all sub-object elements inbetween,using the shortest distance.
    - Support Editable Poly object, Edit Poly modifier, Unwrap_UVW modifier.
    - When Shift Key is pressed will performs Dot Ring for Edge sub-object level only. Selects rings with gaps. Select two edges in a row or column. The spacing will be calculated automatically.

  • WarrenM
    Nice, the select-between looks great!
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Ooh cool, like the old SpanSelect by SyncViewS, just on steroids!
  • WarrenM
    Already using it in my workflow! Best script pack ever...
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    Glad you like it.
  • kary
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    kary polycounter lvl 18
    Very useful collection of scripts, good work :)
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    kary wrote: »
    Very useful collection of scripts, good work :)
    Glad you like it.
    There is new script, added to the pack, but I have to find time to make a video for it and then the new version will be released. :)
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    You know what'd be great? A toolbar like TexTools and turboTools, with tooltips and all the bells and whistles.. you're just releasing too many damn scripts ;-)
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    cptSwing wrote: »
    You know what'd be great? A toolbar like TexTools and turboTools, with tooltips and all the bells and whistles.. you're just releasing too many damn scripts ;-)
    This is a good idea. Thanks.
    Any suggestions of how the toolbar should looks like are welcome.

  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    I don't know.. I do prefer TexTool's look over turboTool's design since it's sleeker and slimmer. The kicker would be a tab or something that allows you to add your own macroscripts as buttons to the floating toolbar.
  • dumbonshow
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    dumbonshow polycounter lvl 7
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    cptSwing wrote: »
    I don't know.. I do prefer TexTool's look over turboTool's design since it's sleeker and slimmer. The kicker would be a tab or something that allows you to add your own macroscripts as buttons to the floating toolbar.

    Why the default toolbar(float or docked) is not a solution? Because of the size of the icons?
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack vol.2 is updated to version 1.8


    - New Script - Drop On Surface. Idea Harold Rinck.
    Project all or selected vertices of one object onto another object or selection of objects.
    The object, whose vertices will be projected must be an Editable Poly.
    Works with soft selection.
    The vertices can be projected along:
    - World X, Y or Z axis
    - object's local X, Y or Z axis
    - vertex normal of each vert
    - current viewport direction(for perspective viewport only)
    - custom direction - pick two points to draw the direction of projection

    Video demonstration

    - Easy Peel - Added the abbility to perform Auto Relax of unwraped UVs. Idea Alexandr Tolmachev
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack vol.2 is updated to version 1.9


    New script is added:
    Edge Straighten - allows you to straighten the selected edges using the constraint to edges. No branches or closed edge loops are allowed. Edge Constraint is used by default. All vertices of the selected edges will be moved using the Edge Constraint.
    Works with Editable Poly objects and Edit Poly modifier. Script Idea - Pawel Lazarow

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iyl8CAE60A"]Video demonstration[/ame]
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack vol.2 is updated to version 2.0

    New script is added: Inset Pro - inset the selected polygon using the custom edge selection. Scrpt idea - algosuk
    Watch video demonstration here

    Drop On is updated to version 1.1
    Now you can:
    - select one edge and all vertices, that will be projected will use this edge as direction of projection.
    - select the same amount of edges as the amount of the selected vertices. Each edge have to contains one of the selected vertices. These edges will be used as direction of projection.
    Idea - Pedro Amorim.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7raRLotO-M"]Watch video demonstration here[/ame]
  • Pedro Amorim
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    Thank you, Pedro!
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack vol.2 is updated to version 2.0


    Inset Pro is updated to version 1.1


    - Works with selection of polygons(not only with one polygon).

    - Two modes of Inset - default and Inset with Edge Constraint.

    - Build Quads option for Inset with Edge Constraint Mode

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USXBkWTLoCM"]Video demonstration[/ame]

    Drop On - now can project vertices onto the same object.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack vol.2 is updated to version 2.2

    New Script: Align Working Pivot

    - Align Working Pivot to Sub-object Selection - align the X or Z axis of the Working Pivot.
    When two vertices are selected the X axis points from one vert to another.
    When three vertices are selected the X or Z axis is perpendicular to the plane that these verts forms.
    When one edge is selected the X axis is aligned to the edge
    When two edges are selected the X or Z axis is perpendicular to the plane that these edges forms.
    When one polygon is selected the Z or X axis match the normal of the polygon. The X or Z axis is aligned to the longest edge of this polygon.

    - Align Working Pivot to Two Points - pick two points using the Vertex SNAP. The X axis of working pivot will be aligned to the vector between the two points
    Script idea - Pedro Amorim.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Man, so many updates to this suite of scripts.. definitely worth the few bucks :)
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    There will be at least 3 more updates of the existing scripts.
    Maybe new scripts will be included. :)
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Just picked this up..worth every penny and then some

    for some one who took entirely too much time hand placing bolts and screw and other bits of greeble..the Attach and Link script makes me weep tears of joy..good stuff
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    low odor wrote: »
    Just picked this up..worth every penny and then some

    for some one who took entirely too much time hand placing bolts and screw and other bits of greeble..the Attach and Link script makes me weep tears of joy..good stuff

    Thank you.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack vol.2 is updated to version 2.3


    Drop On is updated to version 1.2.
    - Now you can pick a polygon and use it as a plane on which the vertices will be projected. This allwos you to project verts that are far away from the selected polygon on the plane, that this polygon forms. Idea Razvan Munteanu

    - You can pick 3 points in the scene that will defines a plane. When you press the Pick 3 points to form a plane button the SNAP to Vertex will be turned On automatically.

    Offset spinner allows you to project vertices with given positive or negative offset.

    Drop On Surface - Edges Dir script allows you to project the selected vertices using the selected edge or edges as direction of projection on the surface of the object that is under mouse cursor when the script is executed. Works only when it is assigned to a hotkey. Idea - Pedro Amorim.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    Extrude Along Path is updated to version 1.1.
    - Now the extruded faces can be separated as an element of the selected object. In this case you can choose to cap or not the start holes, remaining after the extrusion.
    - You can use "Cap End: to cap or not the end faces.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    Vert Stitcher supports Edit Poly modifier with Soft Selection. Weld Verts not works when the source or target object have Edit Poly modifier on top of their stacks.
    Drop On supports splines(Editable Spline and Line objects).
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    Update to version 2.6
    New Script - Snaps Tool. Extends the usability of Standard Snaps.
    LMB - turn selected Snap On/Off
    RMB - turn selected Snap On. Turn all other Snaps Off.
    First click - Save currently active Snaps. Turn selected Snap On. Turn all other Snaps Off.
    Second click - Turn On saved active Snaps.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UCXlXwitqs"]miauu's Snaps Tool - YouTube[/ame]

    Drop On is updated to version 1.3.
    - added support for Edit Poly modifier. Soft Selection is supported.
    - When Splines are projected you can choose to project the tangents.

  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    Align Verts To Vert - fixed bug when moving vertices for Edit Poly modifier.
    Round'Em - added interactive change of radius/offset(using the spinner) for Edit Poly modifier. Demonstration
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    Attach and Link is updated to version 1.3
    -- added Offset capabilities. The Offset spinner can be used to place the attached/linked objects at the desired offset from the point of attachment.
    -- XYZ radiobuttons(next to the Offset spinner) is used to specify the
    world axis on which the offset to be performed when the attachment is to spline's knots.
    -- When some modifiers are applied to the spline and there are attached objects to that spline, when the modifiers deforms the spline the attached objects will be moved respectively to the points of attachment.
    -- Offset capabilities idea - Kay Pfingsten

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFb-eQzhyyU"]miauu's Attach and Link version 1.3 - YouTube[/ame]
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack vol.2 is update to version 3.0


    New script is added - Save/Load Sub-object selection.

    It allows you to save currently selected verts, edges or polygons and to select them later. Its big advantage against the default Named Selection Sets and Stored Selections - when it saves the sub objects selection it really saved it. The script supports Editable Poly objects and Edit Poly modifier.
    Saved sub-objects selections are per objects. They are not break when you add new verts, edges, faces, (do tessalate, bridge, inset, extrude, bevel, inset, outline etc.).

    Watch the demosntration video: miauu's Save/Load Sub-object Selection
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14

    miauu's Script Pack vol.2 version 3.2 is available

    - Easy Peel allows you to choose to which map channel to unwrap. If the channel is different than 1 it will be set as active map channel in the Unwrap_UVW modifier. You need to press the Reset UVWs button and then to press the Yes button to be able to see the uvs.

    - Vert Stitcher - added Threshold spinner. Verts that are closer than threshold distance will be stitched, otherwise they will not be stitched.

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