Hello fellow artist. This is my first First environment art project. It's not that great since it's my very first. Most of the textures are from cgtextures.com but I edit them out a little bit with PS. Program used were Maya, Photoshop, and crazybump. Rendered with Mental ray
A bit about me, I plan to be a environment artist. Next fall I plan to go to school for graphic design, minor in art history. I originally wanted to go to a game school and I figured going to a traditional school so I can have more doors open instead of just video games .
I also originally wanted to become a level designer. Earlier this year, I take a 3D modeling class where I learned some basics of the program, Lightwave. After a few months with it, I really started to enjoy modeling so I decided that doing environment art and creating scenes, props, etc is more fun for me. After school was out in May, I decided to learn self learn Maya.
As I said, this is my very first scene. I still need to learn lighting in maya, mudbox/zbrush etc. I really would love some feedback. If anything sucks or could be improved(which I'm sure that's alot), please don't hold back and just tell me. I plan to become a GOOD environment artist.

And the floor detail looks too large, which could be helped by increasing the amount they repeat on the UV coordinates.
The hole in the wall and posters have VERY sharp edges compared to the bricks, and would fit into the scene better with some general wear and tear.
I think you got a good start with your textures, but if you take down the overall intensity of the normal maps it would look more realistic. Also, is that a reflective material on the bed, it is a very clean prison
Keep going! I only started a year ago and still have a million more hours of learning ahead