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Zombie sculpt (WIP)

polycounter lvl 10
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Joltya polycounter lvl 10
'sup Polycount! I've been working on this zombie sculpt for school. It's my first time really working with Zbrush, and I feel like I don't know what I'm doing a lot of the time, so I thought I'd get some pointers/critiques on here.


One of the problems I'm having is the fingers. Some of them are overlapped and I'm not sure how to really fix that. Any help would be appreciated!


  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    you need to use the mask and transform tools to move them apart from each other. Dynamesh aproximates at lower sub d's so anything to close will become fused. I'd recheck the anatomy on those arms. :D
  • KristaW
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    KristaW polycounter lvl 9
    Hey JoltZero! Looks like a fun class assignment :) Did your teacher have you use the nickZ tool for your basemesh?
    I recognized the feet. If it is the nickZ base hopefully your teacher told you about polygroups because they can be super useful in sculpting. If you hit the polyf button you should see a bunch of different colored polygroups.
    These polygroups can be selected and isolated from the rest of the mesh. If you ctrl+shift+click on one of them it hides the rest of the mesh which can make it easier to work on that area. You can use polygroups for a number of things, such as mask by polygroup, split mesh by polygroup, apply noise by polygroup, and on and on.
    As far as your finger overlapping issue, I think using the transpose tool will be your best friend. I would really take the time to become familiar with this tool if you haven't yet. It's kind of weird and hard to get used to but I don't know how I would make half the things I make without it. Hitting "w", "e", and "r" will bring up the move, scale, and rotate transpose.
    For your finger issue, if you hold ctrl while you are dragging out the transpose tool it will mask the rest of the mesh for you and leave the area you were dragging towards unmasked. Now just set the pivot point near the base of the finger and rotate. If you haven't played with the transpose tool this might make no sense so I would look up a tutorial on it first and come back. :) This will work even if you don't have separate polygroups, btw. And, sorry about the red words everywhere >.< especially next to a red hand. I guess I like to make things hard to understand.
  • Joltya
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    Joltya polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks, Krista! I tried that out and it seems to work pretty nicely! That helps a lot and I greatly appreciate it.

    Also, it isn't the nickZ tool. It was a base mesh given to us by our teacher with the file name "adam.obj"
  • KristaW
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    KristaW polycounter lvl 9
    Cool! Glad it could be of use.
    Haha. It's funny how adam and nickZ's feet are so similar. I wonder if they both come from Nick Zuccarello? Were the fingers overlapping in the original obj you got from your teacher?
    You should post more when you're done! It's definitely coming a long better than the first thing I did in zbrush! I think I made a crappy tree my first time. Either that or a ugly kitbash rock. I forget.
  • Joltya
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    Joltya polycounter lvl 10
    Started some polypainting! Interested in how I can make this better though.

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