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Destroyable Object full of explosive wood

Hello, I have just created a destroyable office phone prop using the guidelines at: http://freesdk.crydev.net/display/SDKDO ... le+Objects

I used the method that uses the "main" and "remains_01" parts, making the phone pop out of the receiver when shot. So far it works technically, but even if I go through setting UDP values to make each part of the phone dense as lead, it the first bullet will make the phone come apart VERY energetically, and shower the area with what looks like wood particles. (phone is metal). I have turned off explosions, and just to be sure, set all the explosion variables to "0". I'm sure there is a variable unset somewhere, but right now the phone jettisons its breakable part across the room, before both parts become immobile hunks of iron immune to all but the most stubborn of prodding. Not sure where the shower of wood chunks is coming from either, but it only happens when the model becomes "dead". Subsequent shots are met with no such effect. Any help would be appreciated.


  • MightyT
    Got the physics parts under control, but still get treated to a smokey explosion of rotten wood when it goes from alive to dead. I don't understand it, I really would like it to not have any particles associated with it at all, but it remains stubborn regardless of material changes.
  • MightyT
    Found the SurfaceTypes XML in the libs directory, along with the breakable_objectsXML. Seems that if a breakable particle is not defined in a material, a default one is used. Cloning some entries in those files at least gave me the option to use 0 particles.
    Would like to get into making new ones later, but seems that would be a new skillset to develop and not something to whip up in a few days.
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