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Local scaling/separate chunk scaling?

polycounter lvl 11
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MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
In max I have a bunch of cubes spaced out by hand (all part of one single mesh) and I need to scale them all a tiny bit to ease the gaps between without having to re place them all

Is there any way to do this?


  • Pathologist
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    Pathologist polycounter lvl 4
    If it's editable poly than you can also select all polygons and extrude by local normal.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    I was in face mode when I was attempting to do it before, where is the toggle? All I see is the local/screen/world dropdown

    Selecting all the edges just scaled everything like the normal scale tool would
    If it's editable poly than you can also select all polygons and extrude by local normal.

    That worked perfectly! Thank you!
  • WarrenM
    No, it's the button dropdown BESIDE the coordinate space combobox. To the right.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    I need each cube to scale on its own center even though they're all part of the same mesh

    I tried selection/pivot/transform and none worked like the extrude
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    frell wrote: »
    I need each cube to scale on its own center even though they're all part of the same mesh

    I tried selection/pivot/transform and none worked like the extrude

    it will always scale around it's own center, not it's base if you want that to happen but if you select all cubes and they are not connected it will definitely work

  • Pathologist
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    Pathologist polycounter lvl 4
    I do wonder why you have all the boxes in one mesh though, why not instance them and only edit one?
    Then again, I also don't know what the purpose for your geometry is :-).

    But, if I have to choose, I would have gone with perna's solution on this, it's indeed the better (if not best) way to do this.

    Alternatively you could have used a push modifier, sadly it doesn't straighten corners. This plugin modifier does though.
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