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Centauress WIP: Criticism much appreciated

Hi Polycount. I've never been very good at seeking out feedback from other artists but I really want to improve my craft so here we go. I'm a bit nervous to post but I'm really looking forward to hearing some critique and direction from people with more skill than myself.

The eventual goal here is a static model of about 30,000 tris, set up in a game engine (probably either Unity or Marmoset) with the best shaders and texturing I can achieve in real time.


  • PyrZern
    Offline / Send Message
    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Her waist might have to be thicker. Same with her legs IMO.
    Her stomach and ab could be a tad shorter.

    How would you like her face/head to look like ?
    Any concept ?

  • ChivalryUK
    Yes I think you're right about the legs. And are you referring to the human or the horse waist? Both could perhaps do with thickening up.

    As for the face, I'm trying to combine equine and human elements to create an alien sort of beauty. I want it to look weird, obviously, but it needs to look authentic, and appealing.
  • ChivalryUK
    Slow progress I know, but I've redone the dress entirely, as it looked pretty terrible. Any feedback is appreciated.


  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    The dress is looking very good now. However, I am bothered by the lack of anatomical definition is the mid section of the horse part. The front and back legs have a lot of attention paid to its anatomy, but the torso is very plain. There is not really any definition of a ribcage or muscle and tissue connection to the limbs.

    I like what you are trying to do with the face, but I think it needs further exploration. Do some quick zbrush sketches with dynamesh to play around with the proportions and features. Be loose and free, and experiment. The face is a focal point so it deserves a lot of attention.
  • ChivalryUK
    Thanks Fingus, and yes I think you're absolutely right. I knew I had to further define what I've already done on the horse body, but now that you mention it I really have neglected the midsection so I'll pay particular attention there. I'll continue to work on the face too; I personally like the horsey parts but not so much the human parts.
  • PyrZern
    Offline / Send Message
    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Oh, hi again. Glad to see this updated :)

    I'd say, beef up the horse' legs a bit. Also make sure her horse butt curves upward from her back. Her human waist should also be more well-built. And her human hip should be super busty for smooth transition into horse neck/back. And maybe shorten her human neck a bit :P

    Keep it up man !
  • ChivalryUK
    Thanks for the feedback PyrZern. It's very slow going as I don't get much time to work on this, but I'm still plugging away. It's interesting how many comments I get about the human proportions; they're meant to be exaggerated, but I think I must have overdone it! After I'm done with this I've resolved to do some more down to earth, realistic work to get my skills up. It's hard to take liberties with the human form and really get it right.
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