Hello, I have been working on this scene and I am trying to fix the lighting and shadows and give it a better presentation, what would be the best thing for me to do in this situation? I added a second light and it threw everything off. Right now I have a world light above the scene and colored shadow. Any critiqe or advice otherwise is welcome as I am trying to get it to a level to put on my portfolio and apply to studios.

I did what you sugested and there is more bloom also,it softens the shadows well.What do you think?thank you for the advice=)
Turn on Cascaded Shadow Maps on dom dir light.
Desaturate 10% or so in post process. Overlay a bit of a color with LUT/highlights.
Do all your meshes have proper lightmap setups and such? Some of it is very blurry or looks almost unlit.
Adding a sky would help a lot also.
Sorry about the image size but I thought I would show a update of what I have been working on, a friend on the site yesterday helped me out alot understand the lighting of unreal and how to make better use of shadows.