MeshModeler wrote: » Cool thanks for the reply what did you use to render? was it bpr in zbrush?
Stirls wrote: » Fantastic! How long did it take to create those rocks? I could imagine having it tileable would quickly become quite a pain.
MeshModeler wrote: » could you share the matcap :poly121::poly121::poly121::poly121:
Orgoth02 wrote: » It is on the Pixelogic website
Dave Jr wrote: » could you share our workflow for making it tilable?
are those rocks separate subtools placed on the plain, or you sculpted everything from the plane?
what did you use to render? was it bpr in zbrush?
I just did a best render in Zbrush using my the main Matcap I use to work with, mah_dirty_blue_04
It took about half a day to do each. Making this tile using 2.d D in Zbrush is very simple.
It is on the Pixelogic website
could you share our workflow for making it tilable?
Scultp 2/3 rocks and just start placing them in 2.5 D. That is all there is to it. 2.5 will tile what ever you have there when you press the "~" key