I'm trying to recreate the effect of this armour where the sort of 'scales' overlap each other row by row.
I have made a custom alpha and managed to get the shape and step correct but I can't get that overlap appearance. When I try to over lap my alphas =I can see the other row through the new ones I just created

Any ideas on how I could achieve that overlapping look?
Looks good but how would I change it so that it is tight to the mesh rather than lifting off? Would they need to be angled?
Also is there a way to make them into a separate sub tool or so I can go back and edit there position once placed?
Hopefully that'll get you started.
Since they are separate islands, you can use the Auto polygroup feature to instantly turn each scale into its own polygroup. There's also the similar feature, which would group similar shapes in case you wanted them all in the same group.
at around 40:00
theres an example of its use here: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1115091&postcount=156
Any good tutorials anybody knows of?