Over the past few days I've been playing with hardsurface sculpting in zBrush, and I'm really enjoying it.
I was mostly inspired by some of the models I've seen on here, and was hoping to recieve some criticism from someone!
Fortunately, it's a work in progress. The image seems to be a bit skewed in the preview below, so it might be a good idea to expand it just in case.

I'd recommend to change the crotch, shoulders and elbows areas.
Why did you chose to sculpt it arm raised? Change it to an A pose to have better deformations when animated in game.
It does look impractical. I'll rework some of the creases and curves!
EDIT: Popol, I changed the legs so that there's no armour plate where the bottom is, but fabric. This way he should be able to bend his legs around without much hassle. Not the best with folds in zBrush, but it'll do.
EDIT might be worth checking the size of those hands too, they look a bit on the small side
It would be good to rework the folds in the crotch area too. They should be horizontal, checks pants references.
Other than that the design is really cool. Especially the helmet.
Seth - I'll bring the arms down, I'm just worried about it stretching the model too much.
Popol - That's what the pants needed! Gotcha.
The hands are definitely too small. I'll resize them. Thanks for the help and encouragement
EDIT: I retopologized last night just to get a good idea of what it would look like. Considering the under-arms are going to be reworked, I'll have to throw out some of it, but it serves well as a dummy to see how the arms work.
You guys are right, it's going to look pretty terrible if I don't fix these arms quick-smart.
Worked on it a bit more. Removed the large obstruction under the armpit, added fabric, and boosted the neck brace. It matches the shoulder guards so now there's less of an obstruction, more flow. Now we're getting somewhere.
Rolang - It definitely looks like that from the arms-down pose. However, it might be torso that is too large. I'll experiment.
Here's a test texture on the 300k poly model. I have a 20k one, but I'd rather focus on getting the little details right first.
Hand-painted in zBrush. This is revision 2, because the first one was too similar to the Strogg from Quake 4! Hah!
...and this isn't nearly as finished. The back is still low-res. Might have jumped the gun on texturing, but we'll see.
Personally, I think they'll work well! Except the gloves, they're a bit too bland.
Alright, I feel like I'm posting here too much. This site isn't a blog, afterall. My apologies.