Hi everyone!
I'm new to Polycount but I thought I would ask a question here anyway (I have scoured the internet and these forums to find an answer but I cannot find one).
I have some wings that I have created in Blender, and for the wing membrane I have created it using a plane. However, I have discovered that one side is see through (the standard way that Blender deals with planes).
I have looked at various methods to make the planes show up on both sides when imported into Prefab3D but the methods either don't work (i.e. backface culling turned on/ off, GLSL rendering turned on, Blender Game render turned on as well) or they increase the poly count over the limit I have been given.
I have put a thread on BlenderArtists, but nothing has been able to help yet so I'm getting a little desperate and I am really hoping that someone here will have experienced the same issue/ know how to fix it or work around it.
Thank you so much!
Prefab3D most likely has backface culling on by default, which is how most 3d engines work.