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Single Plane- how to make it double faced without increasing Polycount (Blender 2.68)

Hi everyone!

I'm new to Polycount but I thought I would ask a question here anyway (I have scoured the internet and these forums to find an answer but I cannot find one).

I have some wings that I have created in Blender, and for the wing membrane I have created it using a plane. However, I have discovered that one side is see through (the standard way that Blender deals with planes).

I have looked at various methods to make the planes show up on both sides when imported into Prefab3D but the methods either don't work (i.e. backface culling turned on/ off, GLSL rendering turned on, Blender Game render turned on as well) or they increase the poly count over the limit I have been given.

I have put a thread on BlenderArtists, but nothing has been able to help yet so I'm getting a little desperate and I am really hoping that someone here will have experienced the same issue/ know how to fix it or work around it.

Thank you so much!


  • ZacD
    Offline / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    The best thing you can do is duplicating and inverting the polygons. Sorry, but you are going to have to cut some polygons from somewhere else in the model.

    Prefab3D most likely has backface culling on by default, which is how most 3d engines work.
  • Eliket
    Ahh OK ZacD. I was hoping that there would be some work around, but thanks a lot for letting me know. :)
  • ZacD
    Offline / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    With backface culling on, you are effectively doubling the polycount of the entire model. Some engines like UDK have this option on a mesh by mesh basis. Most 3d modeling programs like Maya, 3ds Max, Blender, have backface culling off by default, because it's confusing when a plane disapears when looked at from a different angle.
  • Eliket
    Ahhh I see. That makes a lot of sense. Yeah it is a little bit confusing having planes disappearing when looked at from a different angle... Thanks a lot for your responses ZacD :)
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