I was recently contracted to produce a tshirt for the San Antonio Motorcycle shop. The brief was aimed at helping increase awareness of the store's growing selection of Vespa scooters, while aiming at a target audience with a hipster aesthetic and interest in MOD scene.
I started by gathering up a wide variety of reference materials for both hipster style clothing choices, MOD scooters, and anything where the two intersected. Near as I was able to tell both of these things combined in a highly individualized style that shows aggressive disdain for any form of standardization. With those ideas in mind I produced an initial dirty sketch to try and see if any of those notions worked for the client. I've informally named the girl P'nyssa, the pug Bovine, and the scooter The Industrial Monster.

They immediately jumped on the image in the lower left, and surprised me by asking me to keep the next iteration of the characters and scooter in a semi rough state. They really liked the half finished feel of the early art. They also asked for the store's name to be included in the background done up to look like someone had used a fat paintbrush. With that in mind I used a selection of pencil style brushes with the intention of keeping a markered style and avoided the urge to polish anything too much.

The feedback for the more complete version was mostly an approval. All they wanted was to replace the former shop name with the Vespa San Antonio title they're hoping to market themselves under. Someone decided that having a motorcycle name for a scooter promotion might not be the best idea. I asked them if they wanted me to do a final pass on the characters to give it all a bit more depth and they readily agreed.

The approval came within twenty four hours, and we're now in preliminary talks to produce a set of decals based on the iconography used on and around P'nyssa's scooter.