In the most recent versions of zbursh (4r4r5r6) ive noticed theyve changed the widget for the move, scale, and rotate.
In older versions when i'm drawing subtools on a canvas i could change the zdepth of them by choosing the move tool and clcik draggin on an empty space of the canvas.
With the new widget if i try to do that old method it doesnt seem to work....
Any ideas?
Although on mine just pressing R, M, I still get the widget. I wonder if ur zbrush is having issues. I use r6 at work, r4 at home, no problems at all.
ie lifting or sinking bricks into a plane on only z using the move tool. im not really sure how to do this with the new widget..
This is when drawing tools onto the document itself, and not when using transpose on subtools/edit mode.
Do you have a screenshot or video of the behavior on your system?