Hey everyone, I posted a couple of pics of this is WAYWO and I thought I would move things to a thread. I've always wanted to create a fantasy dungeon, and while at RPI (college in ny) for a summer game design course, I made one for our groups game. It was pretty lack luster considering I only had a week to make the dungeon plus all of the other art for the game (including a small village and terrain), I decided to make a new dungeon based off of the work I did at RPI.
The goal with this is to kinda get a dark, moist, dank kind of thing going on. As of right now, the hardest thing for me has been the lighting and the post. I've never really put a huge focus into learning either and it definitely shows I think.
Here are all of the updates

in this pic there's no rubble or post. Just basic assets and lighting.

learned some stuff about post process, and I went crazy. WWAAYY to much DoF nad it seemed a little to dark and contrasty. EDIT: insanely dark and contrasty

How it looked earlier today. Now with barrels, an updated moss/dirt blend shader for the bricks, floor, and trim, and some rubble. Still some DoF and the tonemapper is doing a lot of work.

How it looks now. No more DoF, a part of me kinda misses it though, and I brightened the overall environment color a little bit. Also decreased the AO intensity to get rid of some of the intense blacks and added some bounce lights to get rid of even more black.
I still need to added some more rock/brick cluster pieces, some drip/stain decals, maybe some veg, pots, crates, fog fx, etc. But the rest of the project is mostly just filler props and working on nailing the lighting and post.
Any and all crits are welcome and appreciated!
last thing, i'm not too crazy about the yellowy moss/mold on the barrel, just seems like a goop splatter to me.
your game scene is looking good,and the game itself sounded really interesting!
The top of the torch should be charred, and there should be some soot from the torches on the walls above the sconces.
Also I feel like I'm beating a dead horse but you need better value separation on your planes. Right now it's just feeling like the same texture slapped onto all surfaces. The floor would be lighter slightly even if it's the same stones since people are walking, dragging things, etc across them. The walls would be darker since there is less interaction.
So the first image is your scene. The second is greyscale version of that. The third is slightly adjusting the value only (not the hue) to make the floor, walls, pillars, and gate have slightly different values. The last is with colors back on. You can see how it makes things a bit easier to read.
I would still encourage you to adjust your lighting so it's not so harsh.
And here's a quick plug to a post I wrote about value separation:
I think your torches need more lighting falloff.
A yes, short fall off cuts. The curse of the old generation, but even if this were a mobile game it looks to short and cut off.
@coots - thanks for the crit! Hopefully this version addresses some of the intense shadows more than the previous one. Also got rid of the moss.
@silkroad - thank you!
@DWalker - Hey thanks for the crits, I decided to follow and change the colors of the tiles to be less contrasty.
@Jeff - thanks for the cool pics man. I made the floor lighter in the texture, and I made the pillars and the trim a little darker as well. It's subtle, but hopefully it made everything a little bit more readable than before.
@Josh&locater - addressed the falloff, thanks for the crit!
and now finally, the new pic
I've decided that eventually, I want to have one of those cliche broken cielings with god rays and ivy coming through to add some interest to the room. Well, that's it for now, I probably wont be updating that often with school starting in a couple of days, but I'm gonna try to work on it as much as I can. Thanks!