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An Orc

Hi guys! Long time lurker, first time poster here. This is an Orc archer I have been working on in my free time. I think I'm getting close to being done and thought I would share him with all of you. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • Deathstick
    Offline / Send Message
    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    Interesting design, with a body like that I'd imagine he'd have to walk/run on his knuckles much like a gorilla would or waddle slowly. He'd be too top heavy if you wanted him to run more akin to a human.

    Maybe try posing him later on in a stance to show how he'd move.

    Other than that it's looking pretty clean sculpting wise. I'd recommend spending a little more time on bringing in some different hues/values into the skin texture to really make him pop.

    Good job!
  • TheQuietPotato
    looking good so far, although the texture on the arrows and quiver certainly needs some work.
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