Yo Polycount.
So I never seem to finish any personal work lately, especially environments. I usually get to a certain point early on and just give up. It's always something technical that gets me, like materials in UDK or the grid or whatever. I get really bummed out about that, so I'm either gonna get this one finished to a decent level or give up and accept a life of flipping burgers or something (No offense to those that do flip burgers).
For work, I do low poly hand painted stuff all day, so I wanted to create something far away from that. Here's my concept:

And here's where I'm at. I've got a few half made meshes in for a blockout and some BSP. Some things have different spacing and whatnot, but that's just because I'm trying to build everything to the grid:

I know what you mean about not finishing environments, I'm currently in the same boat; and i work on visulisation environments all day!
1 thing i'd double check is your scenes depth.
The persective of yours seems to be a tad off; - Theres 8-9 tiles from the start-end of your scene; whilst only 6 in the concept!
Yeah, I think I need more depth though. The end room is supposed to have showers and toilets on the side walls. If I push everything closer, there won't be much room between the beds, and If I don't have more length in the shower area I won't be able to fit the toilets.
I think/hope that's the right approach.
aajohnny suggested that I use a mix of vertex painting and decals for the walls and floor. Going to look into that workflow next and start texturing something.
So far I've learnt workflows for glass, and vertex painting, that decals are awesome and that the material editor is a scary place.
Most of this stuff is just placeholder while I'm learning the different things I want to put into this scene.