Hello guys! i really worked hard with this model and finally i finish it, but i always have a little question, is about the low poly and the polycount, i understand the term low poly of course, but when you talk about tris, i always get the double on my tricount, for example this ACR, i did a little low poly for test and i used optimize modifier because i was lazy, and the result was, no incluiding sight and elcan, 4,650 and 9600 tris, but the smoothing is horrible, and sometimes i heard people saying the normal will cover the smoothing errors, but with extreme horrible smooth the bake turn bad, and the normal map dont cover that smoothing, here a pic.

As you can see is a few optimization done manually and if i keep some loops and support edges you can see a lot of smoothing with darker areas, and if i put specular on the material, it looks worse, i was wondering, if i make a very hard optimization and i do tris with that horrible smooth, my normal will cover that?
Thanks for reading.
Basic rules are you need to set a smoothing group on any faces that are close to 90 degrees, anywhere you have a smoothing group you need to have a separate UV island.
Unfortunately there are a bunch of other things to go into about normal maps, but I can't write up whole paper for you lol.
Pretty much on the example you posted, anything that is not there to help with the silhouette or smoothing you can kill.
Nice! thanks for that.
In other models i made that kind of smooth and i have good bake with xoliul, and iam not happy using HQ normal modifier of 3point, there is something wrong here, i hope someone can bring me some help.
For example here is another model made with that smooth and using xoliulshader.
Then if with 3 point shader with HQ normals, this mean the model will look good in games? iam not against 3point but the use of HQ normals mod, is something iam scare.
Ok then, i will use 3point this time and is time to bake that elcan, thank you iam feeling better with this.