Hey guys, Ive been developing a 3D game art education website in my spare time and I finally got the go ahead from my current job to be allowed to publicly talk and work on it. I'm getting close to launching it but just wanted to see if anyone had any questions or things they felt would be important or like to see out of a resource like this (Hands on demos, documents, interviews, tip of the day, etc)
The idea was to develop a website that laid out a "roadmap" for 3d artist to get the skills they need. So not just random tutorials but a more class like structure that you can progress through. Starting from knowing nothing to finishing with a portfolio website and applying for jobs.
Ill be updating this thread as I get closer to launching and I'm more than will to answer any questions you guys have about it(AMA). Here is a pre-launch email signup for anyone that wants to stay in the loop. Thanks!