Hey guys
So I'm trying to make fur via a texture with an alpha and render with mental ray. However, I keep getting a filled in color where the alpha should be.

The color of the fill appears to be based on the color of the background object, so I'm guessing it's a photon or reflection issue but I'm not entirely sure how to handle it.
I've tried "Use Maya-style alpha detection on file textures"
and "Alpha is Luminance" to no avail.
Do you guys have any ideas?
I do believe so. It's just mapped to the file which has a transparent background and an alpha channel.
It's possible I didn't implement the alpha channel properly. Right now the transparency on the lambert is only mapped to the main png file which was working for the software rendering I was doing earlier. I wasn't sure if I needed a dedicated alpha image or something more specific.
check box: "Direct Illumination Shadow Effects" in mental ray options, its under "indirect lighting-photon map"
last time i had a similar issue, that resolved the transparent shadow with GI and photons.
Wow- man- that worked! how could've missed this option
I'm still new to mental ray materials so I guess I better start getting my hands dirty with them lol