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UDK Material Instance Appears Corrupt

polycounter lvl 10
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paradoxical-pixel polycounter lvl 10
Hey Polycount!

I feel a little silly asking for help with such a seemingly trivial problem, but here goes.

I have created a lens flare that uses a separate MI (material instance) for each respective lens flare sprite. Everything was working fine until I started assigning the MIs to MI actors.

For the first two MIs I had no problems, but for one particular MI, a dialogue appeared indicating that the MI could not be assigned to a MI actor. This was followed by the actual MIs icon reverting to the blue/white checkerboard image. On inspection of the MI, I discovered that the 'parameters group' section had actually disappeared.

The obvious remedy to this problem would of-course be to just create a fresh MI and use it as a substitute for the supposedly corrupt one. I did exactly as described only to find that the lens flare editor would not let me scroll beyond a certain point, meaning that I could replace ALL but ONE of the broken sprites. How bloody annoying is that?

I have included screenshots to better illustrate the problem. The remaining broken sprite can be seen as a small box in the foreground.




Any help with remedying this would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks, paradoxical-pixel.


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