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Dick, The Tourist WIP

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createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
I am working on a personal project. Dick is an American tourist... funny hat, bad fashion Hawaiian shirt, etc.

There is a lot still left for this guy, but I would like some feedback from the community on how to make him better. Tips for anatomy to fashion are welcome. Maybe you have had some experience with this guy in your country, or maybe you know someone like him!


Sculpt in Zbrush, and rendered in Marmoset with normal map.



  • BubblegumTate
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    BubblegumTate polycounter lvl 5
    Camera around neck! Bad tourist map! Socks and sandals!

    The sky is the limit for this idea. I like it.
  • createdbyi
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    createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
    Great ideas! The camera is a given, and I was already leaning towards socks and sandals. Maybe he has a map halfway sticking out of his pocket.
  • JordanLeigh
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    JordanLeigh polycounter lvl 9
    Don't know too much myself tbh but his knees definitely need work. Also his arms lookstrange from the back near his elbows. Think there'd be more fat there since he's a heavy set guy
  • Tadao215
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    Tadao215 polycounter lvl 16
    how about a fanny pack?
  • DWalker
    The feet seem very rough at the moment.

    The hands seem a bit delicate for this guy. There's also a noticeable seam at both wrists.
  • createdbyi
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    createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
    @JordanLeigh -- I reworked the arms and legs, per your suggestion. I am glad I did. I know its not perfect, but I feel they better represent a larger man now.

    @Tadao215 -- Fantastic idea about the fanny pack! He will be wearing one as soon as I move to the clothing.

    @DWalker -- I wanted to give him socks and sandals. That is why his feet were so rough. I have added the socks and sandals now, but I will work on the detailing on those when I have some more time. I also retopo'ed the arms and legs, so there is no seam at the wrists anymore. Lastly, I will continue working on the hands to make them less 'delicate'.

    Here are some updates.



  • Dave Jr
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    Dave Jr polycounter lvl 9
    There is so much you can do with this. Please please change that belt into something like a fanny pack/bump bag. It'll add so much more character!!

    I would post a reference, but my phone won't allow it so here:

    Hope this helps!!
    createdbyi wrote: »
    @JordanLeigh -- I reworked the arms and legs, per your suggestion. I am glad I did. I know its not perfect, but I feel they better represent a larger man now.

    @Tadao215 -- Fantastic idea about the fanny pack! He will be wearing one as soon as I move to the clothing.

    @DWalker -- I wanted to give him socks and sandals. That is why his feet were so rough. I have added the socks and sandals now, but I will work on the detailing on those when I have some more time. I also retopo'ed the arms and legs, so there is no seam at the wrists anymore. Lastly, I will continue working on the hands to make them less 'delicate'.

    Here are some updates.



  • JacobRMooreArt
    I like it. My only suggestion would be to add more wrinkles to the clothes. They read as pretty cylindrical at the moment. The improvement is cool to see. His hands need some more love too. Cool though!
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    Makes me want to play a game as Dick the tourist, complete with slow-walking wobble animations and taking pictures with the lens cap on.

    Dead Rising sans Zombies?

    That aside, I might aim towards figuring out how to take all of those tourist trope cliches and make them really stand out as an individual character. Obviously he can fit the build, but it should be interesting to see what you can come up with to make him his own individual character.

    I'd imagine you could have fun with logo designs and such on the textures, maybe the places he supposedly bought them from or visited? Bumper stickers slapped all over his camera? Etc.
  • createdbyi
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    createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
    @Dave Jr -- You are right about the fanny pack. I made a basic shape for one that I will sculpt to more detail later.

    @JacobRMooreArt -- I will be adding the wrinkles to the clothing after I get all the elements I want on the model. I intend on thickening the open end of the shorts. I am sure that adding the seams for the clothing, as well as wrinkles and texture will add a lot to the character.

    @Deathstick -- I want to play that game too!!! This character is a step in the process. It is both learning for me, and directed towards an overall goal that I will reveal once I have more assets to show. I want this character to be as cliche as possible. I am taking in all ideas and incorporating them into this character. In a way, this is just as much your character as he is mine! Keep the suggestions coming, and I will keep incorporating them.

    I only have a few hours every so often between several jobs to work on this character, so the updates are a bit slow. Here is my latest update...

  • E_Hollaway
    oh man, dem socks and sandals.
  • atomicguppy
    This is looking great, man! I think if his noes was white with sunscreen that would add a lot. He looks like the kind of guy who would need a lot of sunscreen.
  • createdbyi
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    createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
    @atomicguppy -- Thanks! I'll give him a white nose... that will add a lot to his character. I think I should flip the front part of his hat up too. That should give his face more light.
  • createdbyi
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    createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
    I had about an hour and decided to work on the fanny pack a bit. Here is an update. The protrusion on the top will be a sticker. It will probably say something like 'support the troops', or some other cliche thing. I'll probably add more.

  • KristaW
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    KristaW polycounter lvl 9
    Ha ha, I like this character. My mod team is making a game where photography is the main mechanic and now I can't help but think of this guy as the main character.
    Those socks need wrinkles on the inside of the leg, in my opinion. Right now the wrinkles look like embroidery in some views because it is so localized and symmetric.
    Look forward to more of this dude.:D
  • createdbyi
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    createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
    @KristaW -- Interesting, I had a similar idea, but I don't have a mod team. I agree with the suggestions about the wrinkles. I glossed over them initially. I will be adding detail to them (non-symetrically) when I get around to it. Send me a message about your game!
  • mkZ3R0
    Before you continue to work out the details of the fanny pack, take a look at some reference. I think the seam stitching need a rework. Take a look at this picture and you surely know what I mean:


    All in all good work on the whole character.
  • createdbyi
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    createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
    @mkZ3R0 -- You're right about the detailing. I wanted to go back and redo the details with panel loops... I might as well do them correctly, with correct seams.
  • createdbyi
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    createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
    A little progress...


  • Dave Jr
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    Dave Jr polycounter lvl 9
    Hilarious... this guy reminds me of someone at work who comes in every day wearing socks and sandals... this will be emailed!!!

    Top notch keep it up!
  • createdbyi
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    createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
    @ Dave Jr -- I am glad Dick reminds you of someone... that was the idea. I hope everyone has experienced this guy before. Thank you for the kind words!

    Another update... I began working on the hat a bit. I still have lots to do to make it the way I want it. I also added some sun glasses and a price tag for the hat.

  • createdbyi
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    createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
    @amile duan -- Thanks you!

    Here are some more details for you. I worked on the hat for a few hours.

  • createdbyi
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    createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
    Alright, I switched gears a bit and began working on Dick's camera.

    To be honest, I downloaded a free model from turbosquid... but I had to do a lot of corrections to it because it was improperly built. I probably could have made a camera from scratch in the time it took me to fix this one. But, alas, here it is, retopo'ed, textured, and rendered in Marmoset.



    Also, a version in sketchfab

  • createdbyi
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    createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
    Dick, with a few updates.
    1. I modified the length of his arms and scale of his hands to be more proportional with his body.
    2. I updated the fanny pack after looking at some reference. (Thanks mkZ3R0)
    3. I included the camera that I modified from turbosquid. (Original model was by Jurry Hendriks)
    4. I spent a lot of time working on the shirt. I added seams, texture, and wrinkles on both shirts he is wearing.

  • createdbyi
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    createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
    I have finished a high poly sculpt of my character. I may revise him, but right now I want to call him done.



  • KristaW
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    KristaW polycounter lvl 9
    Can't wait to see it textured! Great sculpt.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Hey, good work dude this is looking pretty cool
    I might be a little too late for that but there is only one little thing bugging me about the mouth-chin area.
    I think the chin could help a little bit more volume on the front and The corner of the mouth could be pushed in a little deeper. It would help so that the nasobial fold really feel like it's ''folding'' and have some actual volume

    Anyway, still very great job and I'm looking forward to see more :)
  • createdbyi
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    createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks Marie. Never too late! I'll be going back over it tweaking things here and there.
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