Hi guys!.
I've been trying to get to work and make an environment, so I could improve my workflow and other things I didnt have clear yet, like nDo, how to make proper speculars and modularity and tileable issues..., So, decided to make a simple sci-fi corridor to try and learn all this things. I started with the idea of a very clean and futuristic corridor, and had the luck of finding this amazing concept art by Chromoform

So decided to give it a try and here's the result. All the renders are from marmoset. The textures in the image are at a higher res than the ones used for the Marmoset render.

Any criticism is more than appreaciated!.
Maybe you could add some inlets or something to break up that corridors spacing a bit? Maybe break off into a more open section/doorway entry with benches/etc? Anything that could add a spice of color to it which should really pop since it would turn it into a spot color piece. Green plants/ red pipes/something to make it be a little less passive.
I'd say the concept's color striping itself is a little confusing as well, i wish there was a bit more of a lip on those black plate sections to make it read as more of a separate plate and less a paint overlay.
Then again you got the concept down pretty well, so it may be a matter of personal taste
While working on it I too thought off adding something to break in the tiling of the environment(Maybe some circular pilars in the sides) but I also wanted to stick and try to match up the concept as much as I could so It was a small internal fight I had with myself, decided to stick to the concept at the end.
So I guess thats the most I can get of it, already looking for inspiration for more environment work.
Thanks for the criticism!
I'd agree with having one shot without wires well
Here are the shots without wireframe.