Hey Everyone, i'm currently working on a program that has a lot of high res meshes and my average fbx size is about 10mb, this is a bit of a problem since i'm going to be streaming the content via webplayer. Before i move onto using any kind of compression or asset packs i was wondering if anyone had some ideas about how i could reduce the initial file size. I'm exporting out of maya 2011 with nothing except smoothing groups, normals and smooth mesh checked.
But ensure you're only importing just the information you need in the mesh import settings. Disable animation import if you don't need it, enable mesh compression, disable normals/tangents/uv2 if you're not using them.
If it's that big an issue, you might have to write your own file format and parser. That way you can compress it yourself and load them into Unity meshes at run-time (although that can be slow).