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Goblin - (Old Polycount thread)

polycounter lvl 4
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Mallaria polycounter lvl 4
Hi there people, Im new here :)

My name is Alice, and on regular basis Im 2D artist in one of Poland social game studios.

I became very interested in hand painted textures, and low poly models.
Although, I suck at 3d.... xD' Im pretty good in painting, hats why i wanted to try painting textures.

I found couple weeks ago a old thread on polycount, thread from 2010 year, where someone gave model, and base mesh, so people can paint their own textures. I used it for my first ever texture. I get lots of help from my boyfriend who's 3d artist, in managing 3dmax, since I don't know what im doing when Im using it :)

Heres a link to the old Goblin topic http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=69806&highlight=hand+painted :)

I'd love You guise to help me improve in textures and correct my mistakes. :)

Here's a goblin :3

I'd love to get some nice critique, There are some points i didn't touch yet, but I hope you might help me :)


  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Its really good!
    Since you are a 2d artist, the main thing you will have to get used to is lighting objects so they read well in 3d. In 2d its a lot easier imo because you have total control with how the character is viewed, but in 3d you have to consider the character from every angle.

    When I was first learning to paint low poly models a few people here on polycount really stepped up and helped me a lot. One thing I was pointed to as reference was quake 3 models. 94.jpg Basically the way these characters are lit seems to be thought as one of the best ways to do it. So I suggest you google around for some of those characters and research how they were painted.

    To give you specific advice on your model, I would say the head is lit far too much and the arms and body need a lot more lighting painted in. It would look better if the light appeared to be coming more above the character than you currently have it on the face. So strong shadows in the brow, under the nose, lips, and chin. I think you should add some small but strong specular highlights to the metal parts also. The shoulder pad material is very unclear currently, I suggest you spend some more time on that too.

    But again, its a really good job, especially for your first character. Just keep working at it!
  • KristaW
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    KristaW polycounter lvl 9
    Hey Mallaria

    I think this is starting to look really good, actually. I think you have some interesting things happening in the face. The way you painted it makes him look almost slimy. I also think that the outfit is looking real good, as well as the leather strap going around his torso.
    I feel like his blue shoulder pad isn't working. I can't tell what material it is supposed to be. It kind of looks like a blue crystal? I think that color blue fits the color palette you have created but it doesn't seem unified because it is dominating the shoulder pad and then it is not found anywhere else. Also, I would look up reference for wood on shields or wheels. The grain of wood is all going in the same direction on the rim of the shield as well as the base. This, for me, breaks the believably of how the shield was made. And maybe you could take a little of what's happening on his face and have it somewhere else on his skin, like his hands, because his head feels a little disconnected from his body.
    Anyways, it looks like fun and the old thread was really fun to look through. Keep going :)
  • Mallaria
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    Mallaria polycounter lvl 4
    Awh, so many helpful notes :)

    @BradMyers82. I actually love quake, so i'll check those models and textures :) I totally agree with you about his skin, it's a bit too flat, need more shadows :) and some more color i think - ears and nose, a bit more red and lips. And of course i'll repaint his hands and arms :)

    @KristaW Thanks for great critique! ^^ I will definitely change the shoulder pad color. I think You're right, it might fit the color palette, but which goblin ever would wear blue shoulder pad?! :D Sword and shield were kinda hard for me, cause i never really had the chance to paint these, so it's a great practice! ^^

    To be honest this goblin mesh is really hard for me, his head for example, mesh is really small, I didn't know what I was doing when i started painting it, because everything looked different on model than it looked in photoshop :D So it was really confusing for me, It's still is at some points. When i look at him right now, It makes me think it's too plain. So i'll put some details on him soon.

    Thanks for your ideas! and really quick response! I appreciate it :)
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Glad to help!

    One thing that might make the whole process feel much more natural is learning to paint in a 3d app. There are a few to choose from if you can get access to them. Mudbox, zbrush, bodypaint (maxon cinema 4d), and 3d coat to name a few. Personally, I like painting in mudbox, I don't do any handpainted character stuff without using mudbox actually. Very easy to use too if you are familiar with photoshop already. Might be well worth the effort of learning the app. Good luck!
  • Mallaria
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    Mallaria polycounter lvl 4
    I actually tried to sculpt in zbrush ( i dont like 3d mostly because i hate technical stuff, and building things from squares.. i know it's stupid explanation xD) But i actually like zbrush, cause its waaay different than modeling in 3dsmax. And I tried also polypaint which maybe isnt the same as doing 2d art, but i was very curious about it, so my BF helped me a bit to understand it more. I will get back to it, and paint a bit more :)
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    ok that's cool.

    Here is a little motivation to show the advantages of painting in 3d... I think you would actually feel a lot more comfortable with it, if you spent like a day or two learning the tools.


    btw... I personally don't like painting in zbrush unless its a highpoly character.
  • Mallaria
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    Mallaria polycounter lvl 4
    I totally have no idea whats that...
    Is it like ZappLink in zbrush?

    p.s it's totally awesome ._.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I think its deep paint, an older plugin for 3ds max. But yea, you can do similar with zbrush zapplink, but zapplink is pretty unstable for that kind of workflow in my experience. That's why I prefer mudbox or bodypaint.
  • Mallaria
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    Mallaria polycounter lvl 4
    Okay, i worked a bit today on this Goblin


    I played a bit more with his face cause i found it a bit to "cute" and i wanted it to be really creepy and vicious :D ( i looove painting faces ._. ) also i changed his shoulder pad, but i didn't finish it yet, and some other small changes .His outfit, added some details on shirt. Tried to change hands and arms but it's tricky for me, so I'll work on it tomorrow :)
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