So, I'm working on a mesh that is massive and will need to be animated. The problem I'm noticing right away is the lighting of the mesh.
How it handles lighting is not up to par. Either it's completely black (unlit) or completely lit, as if it's accepting light from a specific spot on the skeletal mesh.
What I need is to have the lighting act like it "should", with parts being close to point lights getting lit and so forth.
Here's a pic of what I'm getting:

I've tried accepting all sorts of lighting for it
Does it have to do with it's bounds? Does it need a physics asset?
Any help appreciated!
Also you seems a bit far from your mesh, if you are close the lighting is correct ?
Even if I'm near it stays unlit.
Also I guess that :
-the material on you mesh in not in unlit mode ?
-the skeletal mesh as "accept lights" enabled ?
Hope this helps