Hi! I have some problems with hand keying animations using the HIK control rig (2013). I have done a few simple test animations to see how well one could animate with the HIK rig but I ran into some problems straight away. After saving the file and reopening it, a lot of the animation info was missing or altered. For example the arms I had posed in the animations had returned to T pose and no matter weather I used the FK controls or the IK controls to pose them again, key them and save, every time I reopen the file the arms return to T pose. This happens all over the rig in more subtle ways. While I work in the scene everything is fine but it looks like something goes wrong when saving? I am at a loss as to what I am doing wrong. Maybe I am missing some check box somewhere? It looks like no one else is having this issue so it must be something I am doing wrong. I would really appreciate some help / thoughts / ideas
does anyone perhaps know a good 3rd party control rig that works similarly to the HIK control rig that I could lay over the top of my skeleton and use it to animate? One that really works? ( I know there are lots of control rigs out there but so far I have only found some that require a lot of adjustment work to make em fit a new skeleton)