Hi all,
I would appreciate critiques both on the website layout as well as the artwork in it. I'm trying to hammer out the best way to present my artwork.
I would love honest critiques of my work, I am looking to better my skills and reflect that in my work.
Thank you all for the comments,
Stephen Borgens
Maybe try a more simple template. These comments are just my opinion.
Next your work.
Midevil scene:
All your textures are blurry, ALL OF THEM. The geometry is fine, but everything is SUPER SIMPLE, so its hard to judge what you are capable of. Try using tiling textures to get better pixel density or increase the res of your textures.
Are you using spec maps?
why are half the tree's black?
Your lighting is flat, I can barley see nay shadows, try turing down your global env light and maybe increasing your sun intensity.
Im not sure what you were doing with the lego building, You have some serious smoothing group issues. Did you try to make a high poly and bake it down?
My suggestion is to just delete everything on that last page.
Jet_Pilot: I have been having a hard time pinpointing my exact focus. I will start tailoring my art to hard surface more like lonewolf3d.com as that seems to be more to my liking. Those images you are speaking of were done in Unity and I don't have a good grasp on that engine. I will be rendering solely in UDK from here forward as I like the look that gives a lot better and I have more control over the materials.
Again, I greatly appreciate the feedback and I will be keeping it in consideration when redoing the website.