Hi guys, i have been doing some research latelly as when i am running udk or cry engine 3 sdk i cant run it with all graphics set to the maximmum, so i decided to upgrade my video card as it was my bottleneck, now the question is, is it worth to upgrate right now or should i wait until next year?
I am curentlly running a 6670 sapphire and i am thinking on getting a shappire 7850, its pretty good for the price it has, but i am thinking if maybe you got a better recomendation or something
I have seen nvidia´s 650ti as well, which has a very similar price and specifications and i am not sure wich one i should get
Thanks guys!
But for actual 3D work, just get nvidia, if I could choose again I would have picked nvidia over ati.
Nothing worse then wanting to try something out, and flat out not working on ati or having weird issues.
i mostly use maya, udk, photoshop, zbrush and xnormal and it works great for all of thise expecialy haveing access to cuda for xnormal ao bakes
Drivers work
Didn't want to start the classic war, But sense we are into it, Nvidia ftw. Nvidia has never done me wrong. AMD....I saved some money, and lost some breakable items in my home over headaches.
IMO brand loyalty is silly, choose what's best price/performance at the current time. However, if there is some significant evidence to pick one brand over another (in this case drivers) then it might be worth considering. What you consider significant evidence is of course up to you.
Thanks for the replys guys
My Nvidia works, Always, everyday, every time.
Vs my multiple AMDs that haven't. And the AMDs where back in the day when i didn't even put the card under a really heavy load.