the humanskin shader "use scattering" checkbox and scattering radius slider seem to do nothing at all. I feel that I must have missed something but I dont know what. Do I need a subsurface scattering subdermal map?
In fact it des " veeery" litlle of SS-SSS ( Screen Space Subsurface Scattering). I am experiencing the same thing right now. If I find a solution I will post it back here.
Additionally, if I remember correctly, the engine has legacy subsurface scattering available too, if screen-space implementation is not to your liking. Search for ?cvar in the console and try to use different values for the main CVAR (1,2,3, etc), it should be there somewhere, just like different SSAO and AA modes are enabled.
Good luck and Godspeed !
Additionally, if I remember correctly, the engine has legacy subsurface scattering available too, if screen-space implementation is not to your liking. Search for ?cvar in the console and try to use different values for the main CVAR (1,2,3, etc), it should be there somewhere, just like different SSAO and AA modes are enabled.
Meanwhile the " Scattering Map" is supposed to be grey scale version of skin parts of diffuse map right ?
( They removed this part from Documents I guess. SO I don't remember
EDIT: Now I checked again it says that "old method has been deprecated" :