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Class Project Replica ofStar Citizen Concept art.

polycounter lvl 10
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Nahp polycounter lvl 10
This project is for my Game Mapping class where The entire class pitches in to Create a world out of Concept art from Star Citizen. Each student made some models and they were brought into UDK. Here is the concept art from Star citizen.VTSFodn.jpg

Here is one model model I did. Its the Cargo ship next to the Repair sign at the bottom right of image 2. The lighting in my presentation is bad and my model isn't exactly the same because I changed some of the colors and I couldn't see the front end of the cargo ship in the concept.Ts1Fa9g.jpg

I'll post more of the work as the class continues!


  • jksl
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    jksl polycounter lvl 4
    what school do you go to?
  • Joltya
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    Joltya polycounter lvl 10
    You really do need to fix the lighting in your presentation. It's pretty much impossible to see the model.
  • Nahp
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    Nahp polycounter lvl 10
    I go to the Art institute of California Los Angeles. Yeah my teacher yelled at me for the lighting as well. I have to optimize my textures so I'll post a new image of it and I'll be sure to use better lighting. I'll also post the building with the red stripper sign.
  • Nahp
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    Nahp polycounter lvl 10
    Ok here is my cargo ship with its textures optimized and the lighting is a bit better.

  • Nahp
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    Nahp polycounter lvl 10
    This is the Bar in the middle with the stripper light in front. I didn't do the stripper light because Another student is doing the making all the signs in the level. I'll show you the end result when everything is put together.

  • Joltya
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    Joltya polycounter lvl 10
    Okay the new lighting makes it look a lot better! The striped brushing textures seem a bit repetitive, so you might want to stray away from that for a while. I also see you have some paint chips, but they seem kind of random. Think about WHERE the paint would actually chip most often (examples: The edges of things are more exposed to wear as things bang against them more than the flat sides. Things that humans touch a lot, like door handles and foot steps, also get more wear).

    In terms of presentation, I'd try to fill as much of them image with the model as I can. In your second image, your model isn't centered, which looks really weird. In the last one, you're wasting a lot of image space on nothing, and it looks like we're not even seeing the entire model. If you want to keep a consistent resolution, you could easily fill that space with various views of the model. Also, your name and email need to be a lot larger. Maybe have an outline or a glow to really separate it from the background.

    I'm sorry if I come off a bit strong, but us AI kids need to look out for each other. :)
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    I just wanted to throw in that you should watch out which fonts you use.
    That "MK-008" and "Dat Cargo" font is not conveying what you want it to convey.
    Fonts are a very strong emotional & atmospheric tool, and every font is giving a certain mood.

    If you want it to be scifi or modern, check out some references or even the other ones from the concept. Currently its like a pseudo remake from a WW2 font, but without the harsh charme, also dont use windows basic fonts.
  • Nahp
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    Nahp polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks Jolts! Its nice to know your from AI! and no It didn't seem to strong I started posting here so I could get this kind of feed back. If I wanted to be praised I'd show my mother or girlfriend lol! I never think about it till someone says something about it and your 100% right. now that you mention it I feel like there is alot of wasted space and, It doesn't make sense to have so many chips on top of the ship. Thanks again for your feed back! I'll make sure to be more aware of those things next time.
  • Nahp
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    Nahp polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks Shrike for commenting. My teacher told me last week almost the same thing. He told me that it makes me look lazy and its boring when I do things like using fonts like that. the DAT CARGO part was kind of a joke for my teacher cause he jokingly talks like that sometimes. but your right it doesn't really match the scene. Other people have mentioned that my font looked too military for this scifi I think I was trying to go for a simple industrial look but I think I should look back into that. Thanks again for commenting.
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    So how did you generate your normals? a high poly model or via photoshop? Based off what I've seen it looks photoshop since everything is so flat. You need to give more depth variation between the parts. I looks like a yellow flying lunchbox being so flat.

    And why can't you use the color palette they have in the concept? The concept has a good use of color, your colors are very bold and distracting.

    Also, the metal scraping effect you have going on is a tad harsh and you have it going in all directions. parts of the ship it starts horizontal and then at the end it goes vertical and diagonal.
  • Nahp
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    Nahp polycounter lvl 10
    I made a high poly and low poly and used Xnormals. I had to bring it into photoshop because there was some strange things happening with my ray trace. so I had to remove some of the extra unwanted normals but, other then that i didn't use photo shop to generate my normals. my first pass of my model looked really dull with the original colors. alot of people mentioned i should change some of the colors so thats how that came around. but I agree its not the hero object it should look less distracting. I think the scraping effect is also a bit harsh but I still wanted it to look like a rough sheet of clean metal. I think it has to do with my actual UV's and each peace not facing the same way because I used Ddo's lathed metal to get this effect. Thanks oobersli for the critique.
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    well something to think about too.. its something I notice alot of people do.. is the metal isn't really colored that way, its the material being lit that way. So while you have this very strong colored metal.. its really reflecting the lighting around it that makes it that color and not having a deeply colored diffuse.

    I still feel like you should evaluate your final model and the shape. looking at the reference it has more depth and bulkier shapes to it. in the middle there is a clear cut that should be actual geo. You need more panels/larger shapes modeled into your low poly *and high poly* to give the the look that its more than a box. Also notice on the back that here is some more depth as well, rather than being flat. notice the round part on the back looks to be lit up and have electrical properties or an engine purpose.

    If I were you I would have modeled a solid proxy model first, presented that to show and evaluate. That way you could get your proportions/details correct and then jump into the high poly/low poly final without having to go back and change things. A solid foundation makes for a better final product no matter how well you texture it.

  • Nahp
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    Nahp polycounter lvl 10
    The area where you drew the line through the cargo ship is actual geo on mine but I think it may be to subtle. now that you showed me that It does look like its a much larger gap between the front and the back. one of the problems I ran into while making this is some of the detail like the circle thing on the back that you mentioned. I couldn't tell what it was at all. I almost thought it was just a simple brush stroke to "fake" detail at a distance. This was also a problem I had to solve when i did the building. I felt like I had to make up a lot of detail to fill in the space. I really like that you pointed this out to me. but I wont be able to Redo this cargo ship till after my current assignment which is to make a humanoid alien to fill the flight deck. My teacher feels humans are too boring because all we ever do is make human characters but, I will post this character in its early stage to get critique before I go and finish it. that way I can have a more solid foundation like you said. Thanks again for the solid critique Oobersil!
  • Nahp
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    Nahp polycounter lvl 10
    Here is the Class project so far. Still missing a few things but we're still working on it. We've got 2 more weeks till its due. we'll see if we can finish in time. http://i.imgur.com/4eZCWkt.jpg 4eZCWkt.jpg

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