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Growing Environment Artist - Abdul Husani

Hi there, My name is Abdul, I've currently finished my first year at University doing 3d Animation. I recently decided to specialize my passions as a 3d Environment Artist. Here on this thread, I hope to post as many of my ideas and finished work on here as possible.

I will always be grateful for any other ideas, critique and comments given, thanks. :)

This is my very first environment; done in Maya.

A shack in the middle of woods. I feel like there's something missing from it but I don't know what.


Again thanks for viewing, giving ideas, critique etc.


  • Cody
    Offline / Send Message
    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    Hey looking good so far. One thing I would say is that the ground texture doesnt fit. it looks like a dry hay or something. take a look at this- http://mrsgebauer.com/rainforestweb/floor/floor.jpg. Also i think the bushes and flowers are spread around a bit to scattered and even. bunch some together and leave some open space. if that cottage is overgrown and abandoned, throw some floiage on it. and i think the foreground is a bit empty. throw some interest in there, old things that person left lying around. try to tell a story. and lastly, the background clearly ends, try to put some stuff back there to allude there is a whole world out there. anpother ref image - http://www.worldofstock.com/slides/PRU1954.jpg. can we see some models/textures by them selves. we can help there too. keep going!
  • Wushu
    Oh wow, Thank you, OH FOLIAGE ON THE COTTAGE! I was so gonna do that but it slipped my mind. Wow those were great ideas you gave me. I'll definitly try some of that and post more when i have an update. Thanks a lot Cody for the advice. I will post some of the grass bunches,textures, models later on too!
  • ghostdom
    Offline / Send Message
    ghostdom polycounter lvl 3
    Yes, ground texture doesn`t fit here, as for me. Yet another question. Why trunks of the front two trees have green shading all long? And for me, the hut doesn`t fit this place too. There is something strange with it.
  • Wushu
    Hi this is how i actually managed to get it in the end. I will probably be able to get back to this project in the future. Because i know there is quite a lot of fault with it.
    but thats like on hold for a while, while i do another project that school has set for me. they wanted to me to re-make a scene from a game or film. i wanted to re-make peter parkers room from spiderman. obviously not restricting myself to one movie. really trying to get into his character and his interests.
    wip so far.
    ignore the badly modelled clothes for now. i tried using cloth sims to simulate natural looking clothing. but i might just model it. its more fun that way then pressing play and watching them fall. IDEAS! would be very welcomed. FELLOW SPIDERMAN FANS! What kinda things do you think would be in peter parkers room?
  • Wushu
    still gotta do a lot more modelling. some of my reference.
  • RetroBasel
    well done mate. still a long way to go but you will get there. where did you finish uni?
  • Wushu
    sorry for this insanely late reply, Im still at uni, in my second year.

    Update for the work in progress >>>--- need to give this to a teacher so he can actually see if im making progress. still a lot more i have to do, most textures have a normal diffuse on them at the moment. and a couple bumps here and there. still got to texture all those books which will definitely be interesting. An avid reader me. still have to bring a lot of it into marmoset, mari, mudbox or zbrush to spice things up though, can't wait.

    Ignore the bad cloths and render artifacts from the light btw. i'll have to fix that later.

  • Wushu
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