Ive been reading lots of threads about Transfer Maps lately and have not found any solution in this particular problem. I have baked normal maps before and this just blew my mind. Only problem I can come up with is the UVs but the distortion is everywhere, cannot see that possible even with some streched UVs.
I tried every setting in Maya. Exported to Mudbox and my Hipoly Mesh was fine. I recently swapped from Maya 2013 to Maya 2014, was thinking if there could be the problem or is there something I did not notice.
Already tried:
Did changes to the meshes, deleted some parts, made it as simple as possible.
Swapped Map Space
Changed all common outputs
Played with advanced options
Heres a picture of the problem:

And heres the simplified Hipoly version and the low poly (tried making the low poly smoother as well before baking):

Thank you in advance, much appreciated!
Had to triangulate.