Indeed. Maya2012 to cryengine. I fixed the settings, RC was found, i installed the plugins and shelves, loaded the maya 2012 plugin, set everything up the way it's supposed to. Validation worked and everything.
its not an issue of which exporter you are using but something in the RC.
the way it works is that the exporter generates a temporary dae file which gets send to the RC compiler. If the RC compiler has issues with the DAE file, it will return a warning like this.
Dae Files are essentially XML formatted files, similar to asciiFBX. The error message states that the RC found an error in the dae's xml or can't understand it which means that either the DAE file is corrupt or something in your scene or export-meshes shape is corrupt.
- Can you try seeing if the DAE file (zipped) is read-only?
- Can you check if the entire folder structure is set to read-only?
- Can you try to export a simple cube (inside the cryexportnode_ and the _group group)?
- Can you try assigning a simple lambert material to all faces of your object?
- Can you try to export to Game/Objects instead of Game/Levels/...
- Can you unzip the DAE file and open it with Notepad(++) to see what it looks like (just if its garbage or human readable)?
Noticed RC.exe is cancelled when i try to export from photoshop aswell.
- Dae is not read only.
- The entire structure is read only but I can't change it, it reverts to read only. Apparently folders are like that now? Win8
- Same error
- Same
ResourceCompiler 32-bit
Version Feb 27 2013 02:22:01
Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Crytek GmbH. All rights reserved.
Exe directory:
Temp directory:
Current directory:
Command line:
Platforms specified in rc.ini:
pc (little-endian)
x360 (big-endian)
ps3 (big-endian)
wiiu (big-endian)
Started at: Tue Aug 20 21:31:39 2013
0:00 Memory: working set 4.0Mb (peak 4.1Mb), pagefile 2.4Mb (peak 2.4Mb)
0:00 Registering sub compilers (ResourceCompiler*.dll)
0:00 Searching for E:\CryENGINE\Bin32\rc\ResourceCompiler*.dll
0:00 Loading "E:\CryENGINE\Bin32\rc\ResourceCompilerImage.dll"
0:00 Loaded "ResourceCompilerImage.dll"
0:00 Registered convertor for tif
0:00 Registered convertor for srf
0:00 Registered convertor for dds
0:00 Loading "E:\CryENGINE\Bin32\rc\ResourceCompilerPC.dll"
0:00 Loaded "ResourceCompilerPC.dll"
0:00 Registered convertor for cga, cgf
0:00 Registered convertor for chunk
0:00 Registered convertor for chr
0:00 Registered convertor for caf, cba
0:00 Registered convertor for dae,
0:00 Loading "E:\CryENGINE\Bin32\rc\ResourceCompilerXML.dll"
0:00 Loaded "ResourceCompilerXML.dll"
0:00 Registered convertor for xml
0:00 CryCompressorRC.dll loaded
0:00 Registered convertor for pak, zip
0:00 Memory: working set 7.7Mb (peak 7.7Mb), pagefile 5.3Mb (peak 5.3Mb)
0:00 CPU cores: 4 available (4 in system).
0:00 Logical processors: 4 available (4 in system).
0:00 /processes was not specified. Not spawning processes.
0:00 /threads was not specified. Using up to 1 thread.
0:00 Memory: working set 7.8Mb (peak 7.8Mb), pagefile 5.3Mb (peak 5.3Mb)
0:00 Spawning 1 thread
1> 0:00 -------------------------------------------------------
1> 0:00 File=''
1> 0:00 Loading XML...
E: 1> 0:00 Cannot read file 'E:/CryENGINE/Assets/Room\': Probably this file has bad XML syntax or it's not XML file at all..
E: 1> 0:00
E: 1> 0:00 Failed to convert file E:/CryENGINE/Assets/Room\
0 of 1 file were converted in 0.0 sec. Couldn't convert the following file:
Memory: working set 7.9Mb (peak 8.4Mb), pagefile 6.3Mb (peak 6.9Mb)
Finished at: Tue Aug 20 21:31:39 2013
2 errors, 0 warnings.
I hit export and pow. this.
Are you using the default exporter? If so try this one out
the way it works is that the exporter generates a temporary dae file which gets send to the RC compiler. If the RC compiler has issues with the DAE file, it will return a warning like this.
Dae Files are essentially XML formatted files, similar to asciiFBX. The error message states that the RC found an error in the dae's xml or can't understand it which means that either the DAE file is corrupt or something in your scene or export-meshes shape is corrupt.
- Can you try seeing if the DAE file (zipped) is read-only?
- Can you check if the entire folder structure is set to read-only?
- Can you try to export a simple cube (inside the cryexportnode_ and the _group group)?
- Can you try assigning a simple lambert material to all faces of your object?
- Can you try to export to Game/Objects instead of Game/Levels/...
- Can you unzip the DAE file and open it with Notepad(++) to see what it looks like (just if its garbage or human readable)?
Noticed RC.exe is cancelled when i try to export from photoshop aswell.
- Dae is not read only.
- The entire structure is read only but I can't change it, it reverts to read only. Apparently folders are like that now? Win8
- Same error
- Same
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Found this in the log.