Carl Winslow is the father character in the TV show "Family Matters." I have no idea why I decided to make a 3d model of his head. I am toying around with the idea of putting him into Left 4 Dead 2. Maybe do Urkel as well.
I haven't modeled much in a long time. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Even if this is going to be strictly low poly, I would even out the geometry, and find a somewhat uniform density. then add more detail where needed, Like the eyes, mouth, and nose.
The proportions look decent though, and there is an early likeness being made
I fixed the ears pretty easily enough. I need to work on the model's topology. I haven't done any 3d work since the days of Quake 3, and am not even sure what Zbrush is. Thanks again for the input. I'll look up some tutorials and fix this up some more.
I ended up redoing a lot of the head. I think I intentionally used 2 triangles. Everything else is made up of quads, and I think its getting there.
One more
I have to figure out what to do from here. There are always vertices that I can move into place. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Also, I put a picture of Carl Winslow on the head just for kicks (with some minor ghetto editing). It made me laugh.[SKETCHFAB]939005b0c3d044918a13f3fe0cb2a6dd[/SKETCHFAB]
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I forgot to mention that this is a work in progress. :poly122:
this genuinely terrified me....
I still have A LOT to tweak on the upper body and hands. Figured I would drop it off anyway.
I think I'm going to finish the overall mesh before I texture stuff again. I know there is plenty to fix on the face.
Glad I could make you guys laugh. Somebody needs to do 4 Full House survivors.
I am more than down to collaborate. I want to do Carl and Urkel, but maybe we could do Eddie and Waldo Horaldo Faldo (or Judy Winslow, the youngest Winslow daughter that went upstairs and never came back down).
In other news, the next polycount modeling contest should involve television.
And now for an update:
Here is the low-poly body. I feel like I am definitely missing something in regards to the proportions. It is close, but not quite there. Suggestions would be appreciated.
More seriously, his legs are almost chopped in half right now. His whole body is too stubby if you're going for more realistic proportions. Average people are around 7 and a half heads tall /8 for more general idealization. He's about 5/6ish right now.
I probably wouldn't go too tall in order to maintain his sense of weight, but he definitely needs some more height in those legs.
Here is the beginning of the high poly version. I'm not sure what details to add to the mesh itself. I'm starting to think I should have modeled him in all of his cop gear.
Whatever. Here you go![SKETCHFAB]22e996540ea7420d80883482a802a0db[/SKETCHFAB]
I'm going to give him black pants, as well as his hat from when he was a captain on the force. I should also give him a handkerchief full of Eddie Winslow's tears. I have been rewatching the series in an attempt to motivate myself to keep working on this thing, and every episode in the first season is about Carl pushing his son until they have to have a touching father-son moment.