Hi everyone!
Im doing this environment I found in the internet, its some kind of workshop, which I find really funny to do. Its a concept of a short film called the ottoman I think. Im planning to make it in a kind of realistic way. I'm also changing some of the texture styles, like the floor and the walls ones that have no volume at all in the original concept, just to give it a touch.
Original concept:

My breakdown:

I already started with the texture kits, this one is the concrete walls one, I´m making it a bit different from the concept, since it is very flat and simple there:

Thats all I have right now, I will be posting some more images soon! Let me know your oppinions.
Well, I´ve been working on the floor textures, and I thought that some kind of slightly pollished mossy stone tiles would work fine since I want to give it a kind of abandoned style.
This is the floor texture:
It looks good to me, what do you think?
I´ve also made the big cooper tank on the lower right:
It has 1032 tris.
I hope you like it, I´ll be posting more images really soon!
Maybe it looks too bright right now but I think I could fix that directly at the material.
Your specular is still white. Copper has a orangy sort of spec colour.
Have a read through of http://www.manufato.com/?p=902 it should help.
But I´m really wondering if this is a valid spec map, I´ve never done none of these before, so I´m a noob with this kind of spec maps... I´m sorry.
And you are using only 8-10 sides, anyone who looks at it is immediatly going to be distracted by it being not round at all.
Texture wise, it just doesn't look like copper/gold, it improved with the spec map, but the bigger issue is just all the random grunge/scratches that don't make sense, especially because in the concept it's a fairly clean asset.
Also not a fan of those rivets, wich aren't really there in the concept, usually on this stuff it's either small bulges (small picture but best I could find)
or use rivets like this:
I would really suggest getting a good shader that can use cubemaps (xoliul/3point/marmoset/etc)
Grab some reference and just really only use flat values in the spec, and more importantly get a gloss map untill it looks good/has the proper material definition.
Then after that, start getting more reference, and just mimic the wear in that.
for example
edit: maybe this helps
You were saying that all that grunge didnt made sense since the one in the concept was clean, but I said that I was changing the style to a kind of abandoned place, just preserving the shapes, colours, arrangement and all that, so its going to stay like that, dirty and damaged, but Im very thanked for the feedback anyways
Rivets are there, just look closely, maybe I exagerated them a lot, but I like the result.
This time I made the rusty iron bars texture on the ceiling and on the right side of the image, and this is what I got:
I also made the small tanks above the big one:
I hope you like it
And this is what happens when I repeat it:
I´ve also made the big kind of fan or drain or whatever it is that is at the center of the room, I´m calling it drain I think...
Well this is it for now, I hope you like it!
Thats it, I´m also going to use DX11 to get Image Based Reflections and all that, just to try and see what happens.