Home Artists Looking For Work

2d Pixel Art Sprite Character Designer wanted. PAID contract

Hey everyone my name is Durraiz Alvi, I have started a company called Capricorn Games and am here to talk about our new project. We are a New York based company looking for talented artists! Our first game is a mobile platform game for iOS and Android. The game is called Voidshard.
Voidshard is a HD, Free-To-Play RPG with tons of unique, fun elements. Our plan is to invest in freelance contractors to draw up our prototype, and then secure additional funding for full time and part time work. This posting is about the former.

Read more about the game on our website, it truly is an exciting project for us and we are anxious to get it started!

The job:

What we are looking for is someone who can create pixel art style characters (more accurately character parts that can be combined) with a height of 80px, in a series of styles. Here is an example of what we need:
“Heavy Fire Elemental armor (not lit on fire, lightly plated heavy armor type with a fire pattern on it)”

There are many more like the above including weapons and effects
The idea for the artwork is inspired by the game Defenders of Texel (Copyright DeNa Co Jp) here is a link to get a better idea of what we need: http://cdn.cultofandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/DOTBattle.jpg

We require a higher resolution than the ones on the left (closer to the one on the right)

Animation of the pixel sprites is not required because it will be done in a different program

You can download the DOT app (really a great game) if you need to get a better idea (for iOS and android)

There are heavy details on these jobs available for those who are interested, read the basics on voidshard.com/careers.php or send us an email if you are really interested, we will then send you a statement of work document which shows all that we need (they are very detailed) and we can go from there!

A few things:
These are all PAID positions, no royalties or profit sharing
Compensation is based on which contract is chosen and is negotiable
The elements derived from these contracts must be given to us at Capricorn Games as assets and therefore upon completion will become our property.
Read all of the requirements on our website and if these jobs don’t interest you, read our ‘game’ description on our site to read more (it truly is a unique game)


Voice chat capability (video not required but is a plus, voice is a must) or some form of voice chat
Artists must be proficient in software of their choosing, no specific requirements are needed only TALENT and professional work ethics
Artists must be familiar with RPGs and their dynamics along with games in general
Good communication skills are required (must be able to communicate in well versed English
Location in New York is NOT required however it is a plus
Must have style and a relevant portfolio

If you are interested send an email to jobs@capricorngames.com
Please include your resume, a way to contact you and a way to view your portfolio!

Please visit our website voidshard.com for more information

And our company website capricorngames.com

For more job opportunities follow us on twitter @Caprigames
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