Dang, that update is looking sweet.
I haven't played the game but I've seen Elizabeth in different outfits, if you're going modular why not include those as well?
Hey Justin!
I'm thinking about including more for sure! Just deciding things as I go really
I guess I should decide on what outfits ahead of time, so that I can get them all on one UV sheet. Thanks for your comment though man, really appreciate it. Your stuff is SICK!
Some of those changes seem very subtle, and I wonder if it wouldn't be better & easier to do some of them in only the texture maps.
Also, since the changes occur over the course of the game, there's really no reason to limit yourself to one texture map; you'd need at most two versions in memory at any one time, and for some effects (e.g. dirt on the skirt) you could even blend gradually between them.
Models are looking great! I'll be keeping an eye on your thread.
I was also inspired by modular character systems earlier this year and tried to replicate one in Unity for a class. I wrote up an article on the shader we made that might help explain how it works to you. I had basically zero knowledge of shaders and learned a lot trying to wrap my head around it so I tried to explain it for other folks in the same position.
JordanLeigh - Thanks man! PM'd you the video; although someones linked it here too
Dwalker - Thankyou. I think you're probably right, I'll give it some more thought!
PyrZern - Wires are below. Thanks!
darkmag07 - Cheers for the link to the article, about to read it!
And for fun, I added supporting loops and subDivided the model. I think I might bake this subD down to the low res in order to remove some of the weird smoothing problems. Here that is in Sketchfab.
Really like what you did so far!
Especially like the face, the only thing butting me a bit about it right now is how sharp the cheaks are (might be the light too, i'm not sure).
But you can see this very sharp line going from the corner of the eye to the chin, you could smooth that up a bit.
The only thing I will add is that the lining around her mouth is pretty sharp and makes her look a tad bit older. It could just be the smoothing on the sketchfab model though.
The only thing I will add is that the lining around her mouth is pretty sharp and makes her look a tad bit older. It could just be the smoothing on the sketchfab model though.
Nah, I think that's probably the actual model. I'll look into it, thanks!
Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to get some serious time to put into her. I think I'm going to concentrate on the head and hair for now and see if I can nail a good level first.
Trying to figure out baking the Normals for the hair and stuff currently. Getting there. I get some weird results on the fringe strands though.
My AO Map also bakes out rather dirty and faceted, having to use Blur to try and fix that. Here's a quick, messy mock up put into Sketchfab though. Had a couple hours on this tonight.
I'm using Maya to bake Normals and AO by the way. Decided to use really subtle normal maps from a slightly altered high poly of my low poly head; just to get cleaner results hopefully. https://sketchfab.com/show/a804f8149d7b4406ac04a29b0840fd93
I'm not a big fan of the pattern on the choker's ribbon. A piece of satin or lace would be more common. Also note that the ribbon should have a distinct texture, and cameos are bas reliefs, and have a distinct 3-d appearance (which can be accomplished in the normal map). Cameos also aren't typically glossy.
This is based on Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite. Her neck band is pretty similar to mine. But it's worth some thought for sure. Thanks! I'm not sure if I can use a Normal map. As I'm hand painting the textures in Maya, I have the Ambient color on the shader's turned up full, and I use no lights either. So Normal maps don't work :P
Maybe once she's in Sketchfab or Marmoset or something Normal maps would work?
I'm not sure how best to display / do hand painted texturing in combination with Normal maps, or even if it's worth doing. Definitely would love to hear thoughts.
I also think that I might design her a Vox Populi outfit for an 'alternate reality' take on Elizabeth. I want to use her existing outfits + Vox outfits and make something that feels like it's both an Elizabeth outfit + Vox outfit at the same time. Could be fun!
Hey Sheckee I'd strongly recommend going with a trousers based design as all we see Elizabeth wearing in Bioshock are skirts. So it'd be nice to see a polar opposite of that. It also goes well with the down trodden, hard worker design themes the Vox sport.
As for your designs I would have to pick I would go with design 1 as I really like the detail in the jacket. But as for your progress so far its looking great. Keep at it.
I second the agreement with the trousers direction - the 1st and 4th designs have an overall cohesion that the skirt ones are lacking.
Also, when you think of a key female role with the vox populi, you think of Daisy Fitzroy - and the trousers match her style.
Also, I agree with Di$array with regards to the 1st design - the detail on the coat will be great to add just that extra bit of flair to make her stand out.
But looking great so far, I'm interested to see more ^^
The tape on the barrel is very odd. Aside from the fact that it would be at least singed by every shot, it also implies major weakness of the barrel. The tapering barrel is also strange; it really should have the same size from the breech to the muzzle. Keep in mind that the pressure from firing a bullet is greatest near the chamber, and gradually decreases as the bullet travels down the barrel.
The rifle scope looks too modern for your setting. A long tube, possibly mated to a larger diameter tube for the eyepiece would be more typical. I did find a shot of a Warner-Swasey Prismatic Scope, and for some reason it just screams "Steampunk" to me...
The stock is also a bit out of date; the stocks for period rifles tended to be either straight or bent slightly to allow a more comfortable grip. The bands near the end of the stock seem too thick and misplaced; I'd expect to see one at the end of the stock, but the other much closer to the mid-point.
Cheers DWalker.
I'm following a tiny concept from the art of book, so these will surely help! Unfortunately I know nothing about guns, so It's rather difficult
In case you're wondering, here's a photo of the concept I am using.
Hey guys, I've been super busy recently with work; and my personal 3D work has fallen to the wayside in favour of trying to get better at more traditional stuff. But I can feel the hunger for some personal 3D coming back, so I wanted to pick Elizabeth up again.
I'll drop the whole modular aspect and focus on getting a cool game ready model of Elizabeth in an alternate reality wherein she is part of the Vox.
My logic behind the designs is that she will essentially be a 'medic' as that's basically what she was for me when I played the game
So I'll be looking at 1910 era medic clothing, existing vox populi designs and Elizabeth current designs for this. Got a couple days off work at the end of this week to get it started.
Some of variations. Still need to make the Skirt and boots variants, and loads more work on the head.
I haven't played the game but I've seen Elizabeth in different outfits, if you're going modular why not include those as well?
I'm thinking about including more for sure! Just deciding things as I go really
I guess I should decide on what outfits ahead of time, so that I can get them all on one UV sheet. Thanks for your comment though man, really appreciate it. Your stuff is SICK!
Also, since the changes occur over the course of the game, there's really no reason to limit yourself to one texture map; you'd need at most two versions in memory at any one time, and for some effects (e.g. dirt on the skirt) you could even blend gradually between them.
Is that planes, or mesh ?
Can I see some wires ? Her hair looks great.
Models are looking great! I'll be keeping an eye on your thread.
I was also inspired by modular character systems earlier this year and tried to replicate one in Unity for a class. I wrote up an article on the shader we made that might help explain how it works to you. I had basically zero knowledge of shaders and learned a lot trying to wrap my head around it so I tried to explain it for other folks in the same position.
Dwalker - Thankyou. I think you're probably right, I'll give it some more thought!
PyrZern - Wires are below. Thanks!
darkmag07 - Cheers for the link to the article, about to read it!
And for fun, I added supporting loops and subDivided the model. I think I might bake this subD down to the low res in order to remove some of the weird smoothing problems. Here that is in Sketchfab.
Especially like the face, the only thing butting me a bit about it right now is how sharp the cheaks are (might be the light too, i'm not sure).
But you can see this very sharp line going from the corner of the eye to the chin, you could smooth that up a bit.
gonna keep an eye on the thread
Tits - You're right about the face. Something was bugging me about it; and I think you nailed it. I'm on it. Thank you.
I'm a Bevel addict man! I love bevelling bevels :P
Nah, I think that's probably the actual model. I'll look into it, thanks!
Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to get some serious time to put into her. I think I'm going to concentrate on the head and hair for now and see if I can nail a good level first.
Trying to figure out baking the Normals for the hair and stuff currently. Getting there. I get some weird results on the fringe strands though.
My AO Map also bakes out rather dirty and faceted, having to use Blur to try and fix that. Here's a quick, messy mock up put into Sketchfab though. Had a couple hours on this tonight.
I'm using Maya to bake Normals and AO by the way. Decided to use really subtle normal maps from a slightly altered high poly of my low poly head; just to get cleaner results hopefully.
This is based on Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite. Her neck band is pretty similar to mine. But it's worth some thought for sure. Thanks! I'm not sure if I can use a Normal map. As I'm hand painting the textures in Maya, I have the Ambient color on the shader's turned up full, and I use no lights either. So Normal maps don't work :P
Maybe once she's in Sketchfab or Marmoset or something Normal maps would work?
I'm not sure how best to display / do hand painted texturing in combination with Normal maps, or even if it's worth doing. Definitely would love to hear thoughts.
Here's a few outfit ideas. Bit unsure on them all really. Someone give me some critique!
Low Poly Vox Revolvers - Textures next & Rifle model.
As for your designs I would have to pick I would go with design 1 as I really like the detail in the jacket. But as for your progress so far its looking great. Keep at it.
Here's my progress on the guns.
Modelled the Rifle too.
Also, when you think of a key female role with the vox populi, you think of Daisy Fitzroy - and the trousers match her style.
Also, I agree with Di$array with regards to the 1st design - the detail on the coat will be great to add just that extra bit of flair to make her stand out.
But looking great so far, I'm interested to see more ^^
The rifle scope looks too modern for your setting. A long tube, possibly mated to a larger diameter tube for the eyepiece would be more typical. I did find a shot of a Warner-Swasey Prismatic Scope, and for some reason it just screams "Steampunk" to me...
The stock is also a bit out of date; the stocks for period rifles tended to be either straight or bent slightly to allow a more comfortable grip. The bands near the end of the stock seem too thick and misplaced; I'd expect to see one at the end of the stock, but the other much closer to the mid-point.
I'm following a tiny concept from the art of book, so these will surely help! Unfortunately I know nothing about guns, so It's rather difficult
In case you're wondering, here's a photo of the concept I am using.
I'll drop the whole modular aspect and focus on getting a cool game ready model of Elizabeth in an alternate reality wherein she is part of the Vox.
My logic behind the designs is that she will essentially be a 'medic' as that's basically what she was for me when I played the game
So I'll be looking at 1910 era medic clothing, existing vox populi designs and Elizabeth current designs for this. Got a couple days off work at the end of this week to get it started.