Got a weird graphical issue here, I created a glass jug, and put it indoors, and all was well. But then if I set the outdoor time of day to after sunset, the jug goes dark and no lights or environment probes shoved in its face seem to bring it back again. The sun seems to be the only thing to give it any light. So even if the room is lit, the fact that it is midnight leaves me with a near black jug. Did I make a mistake somewhere along the way? I can manually "fix" the jug, by applying more tint cloudiness or a sunny day environment map, but then when the sun comes back up in the world, the jug becomes a waxy crayon looking thing. Does the glass shader require the sun? It would seem to be the case, since shoving a light with diffuse multipliers and HDR levels in excess of 5 simply made the darkness "lighter overall", without returning the glassy look. I had not foreseen this, am I wrong? I hope that I am, otherwise having to clone my props that are supposed to be glass but indoors would be a bother.
I have not had a problem with using the glass shader in interiors within visareaes. if anything, the sun doesn't make it work for me. incase you havent tried some of these:
-Remember to turn up the shininess and give a light specular colour
-Under shader params did you set the environment map check box
-Have you tried using the "nearest_cubemap' function? its in here
Im pretty sure the glass shader does not only work with the sun.